Tags have simple structure like [Id] ,[Name] ,[ParentTagId]
用於渲染。它包含水平變化的增量。返回行的順序很重要。WITH cte (ParentID, ID, Name, lev, shift) AS(SELECT ParentTagID, ID, Name, 1, ID * 10000 FROM dbo.Tag where ParentTagID is null UNION ALL SELECT e.ParentTagId, e.ID, e.Name, lev + 1, shift + lev * 100 + 1 FROM cte INNER JOIN dbo.Tag AS e ON e.ParentTagId = cte.ID ) select cte.ID, cte.ParentID, cte.Name, cte.lev, cte.shift, CAST(cte.lev - (LAG(cte.lev, 1, 0) OVER(ORDER BY cte.shift)) as int) as LevelDynamic, CAST(ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY cte.shift) as int) AS RowNumber from CTE order by shift asc
with tag as ( select * from (values (1,'.Net',cast(null as int)), (2,'EF',1), (3,'NHib',1), (4,'CF',2), (5,'Java',null), (6,'JRE',3)) t([Id],[Name],[ParentTagId]) ), cte (ParentID, ID, Name, lev, shift)AS( SELECT ParentTagID, ID, Name, 1, row_number() over(order by id) FROM Tag where ParentTagID is null UNION ALL SELECT e.ParentTagId, e.ID, e.Name, lev + 1, shift * 100 + row_number() over(order by e.id) FROM cte INNER JOIN Tag AS e ON e.ParentTagId = cte.ID ) select *, CAST(cte.lev - LAG(cte.lev, 1, 0) OVER(ORDER BY cast(shift as varchar(50))) as int) as LevelDynamic, CAST(ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY cast(shift as varchar(50))) as int) AS RowNumber from cte order by cast(shift as varchar(50))