使用 sp_executesql 創建的查詢創建視圖
我發布了一個關於創建動態 sql 語句的問題,並獲得了以下程式碼來完成此任務:
DECLARE @TableName nvarchar(400) DECLARE @DynSQL nvarchar(MAX) Set @DynSQL = '' DECLARE cursor1 CURSOR FOR select name from sys.tables where name like 'DDOS_WAF_ACCOUNT_%' OPEN cursor1 FETCH NEXT FROM cursor1 INTO @TableName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN -- Add the select code. Set @DynSQL = @DynSQL + 'Select * from ' + @TableName FETCH NEXT FROM cursor1 INTO @TableName -- If the loop continues, add the UNION ALL statement. If @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN Set @DynSQL = @DynSQL + ' UNION ALL ' END END CLOSE cursor1 DEALLOCATE cursor1 Print @DynSQL exec sp_executesql @DynSQL
現在執行此程式碼會顯示我要儲存以供以後使用的表。有人告訴我應該使用儲存這些結果的視圖,但我不知道該怎麼做。我可以創建一個由這個動態 sql 語句填充的視圖並將其重新用於重複使用嗎?謝謝你們。
所以 - 擴展你的原始腳本,下面檢查視圖是否已經存在(如果存在,檢查視圖定義是否會改變)。如果視圖沒有真正改變,那麼刪除視圖並重新創建它沒有多大意義。如果視圖已經存在並且新視圖將不同,則刪除目前視圖。
/* --initially create 2 tables and run the script code CREATE TABLE dbo.xx_table01 (col1 int) CREATE TABLE dbo.xx_table02 (col1 int) --add another table and run the script code CREATE TABLE dbo.xx_table03 (col1 int) --add another table and run the script code CREATE TABLE dbo.xx_table04 (col1 int) --add another table and run the script code CREATE TABLE dbo.xx_table05 (col1 int) */ -- DECLARE @CurrentView nvarchar(MAX) = null DECLARE @SchemaName nvarchar(400) DECLARE @TableName nvarchar(400) DECLARE @DynSQL nvarchar(MAX) DECLARE @DynDROP nvarchar(MAX) = 'DROP VIEW XX_VIEW' SET NOCOUNT ON Set @DynSQL = 'CREATE VIEW XX_VIEW AS ' set @CurrentView = (select VIEW_DEFINITION from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.VIEWS WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA='dbo' and TABLE_NAME='XX_VIEW') DECLARE cursor1 CURSOR FOR select TABLE_SCHEMA,TABLE_NAME from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_SCHEMA='dbo' AND TABLE_NAME like 'xx_table%' OPEN cursor1 FETCH NEXT FROM cursor1 INTO @SchemaName, @TableName WHILE @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN -- Add the select code. Set @DynSQL = @DynSQL + 'Select * from ' + @SchemaName +'.' + @TableName FETCH NEXT FROM cursor1 INTO @SchemaName, @TableName -- If the loop continues, add the UNION ALL statement. If @@FETCH_STATUS = 0 BEGIN Set @DynSQL = @DynSQL + ' UNION ALL ' END END CLOSE cursor1 DEALLOCATE cursor1 IF @CurrentView = @DynSQL PRINT 'VIEW IS THE SAME, NEW VIEW WASN''T CREATED' ELSE BEGIN if @CurrentView is not null BEGIN print @DynDROP exec sp_executesql @DynDROP END PRINT @DynSQL exec sp_executesql @DynSQL END