我有一個 HR 系統,我需要檢測新的休假(休假)請求是否與現有的請求衝突。我已經根據一整天的時間編寫了程式碼來執行此操作;我現在需要根據半天進行比較。
這是我的資料結構(和數據格式)。我正在使用 SQL Server 2008 R2。
StartDate (datetime) EndDate (datetime)
以下 2 個變數顯示使用者是休假半天還是一整天。列出並解釋了每個選項。
StartDateAMPM (int) 0=All Day (StartDate may or may not be the same as the EndDate), 1=AM, (User is out of the office only in the morning) 2=PM (User is out of the office only in the afternoon) EndDateAMPM (int) 0="All Day" / "half day" / "StartDate = EndDate", 1=AM (The user is off for the morning only) **NOTE This cannot be PM (as you cannot end a leave with a half day in the afternoon) **IF this is a "0", there are 3 possibilities -- A) a full day leave where the StartDate <> EndDate B) a full day where the StartDate = EndDate C) a partial day where StartDate = EndDate and the user is off in the morning or the afternoon
Legend: @Start DateTime -- StartDate from new leave @end DateTime -- EndDate from new leave @StartDateAMPM (int) 0,1,2 (see above for details) EndDateAMPM (int) 0,1 (see above for details)
select count(ID) from v_VacReqWHalfDays where ( @Start BETWEEN StartDate and EndDate OR @End BETWEEN StartDate and EndDate OR ( @Start <= StartDate AND @End >=EndDate ) ) AND kUserID = @UserID;
Count(ID) > 0
,則存在衝突。**我的問題是如何合併 1/2 天的假期。**人們可以休息一整天或半天(早上或下午)。
我想使用 TSQL 來確定目前的請假請求是否與現有的請求衝突(重疊)並且無法弄清楚如何去做。
我意識到這已經在 Stack Overflow 上得到了回答。它讓我朝著正確的方向前進。
- 我的新
將被記錄為08/22/2015 09:00.000
而不是08/22/2015 00:00.000
- 將
是8/23/2015 13:00:00.000
( (@Start > StartDate and @Start < EndDate) OR (@End > StartDate and @End < EndDate) OR (@Start < StartDate and @End >EndDate) )