我在將付款分配到發票行時遇到問題。我們正在使用 MsSql 2014
lineId invoiceId value 1 1 100 2 1 -50 3 1 40 4 2 500
paymentId invoiceId amount 1 1 50 2 1 40 3 2 300
現在,我想知道每個發票行的付款詳細資訊。付款應首先分配給最小值(即第 2 行,-50)
lineId invoiceId value paymentId valuePaid valueUnpaid 2 1 -50 1 -50 0 3 1 40 1 40 0 1 1 100 1 60 40 1 1 100 2 40 0 4 2 500 3 300 200
drop table dbo.#sales drop table dbo.#payments CREATE TABLE dbo.#sales ( lineId int primary key, -- unique line id invoiceId int not null , -- InvoiceId foreign key itemValue money not null ) -- value of invoice line. CREATE TABLE dbo.#payments ( paymentId int primary key, -- Unique payment id InvoiceId int not null, -- InvoiceId foreign key PayAmount money not null ) -- Example invoice, id #1, with 3 lines, total ammount = 90; id #2, with one line, value 500 INSERT dbo.#sales VALUES (1, 1, 100), (2, 1, -50), (3, 1, 40), (4, 2, 500) ; -- Two payments paid towards invoice id#1, 50+40 = 90 -- One payment paid towards invoice id#2, 300 INSERT dbo.#Payments VALUES (1, 1, 50), (2, 1, 40), (3, 2, 300); -- Expected output should be as follows, for reporting purposes. /* lineId, invoiceId, value, paymentId, valuePaid, valueUnpaid 2, 1, -50, 1, -50, 0 3, 1, 40, 1, 40, 0 1, 1, 100, 1, 60, 40 1, 1, 100, 2, 40, 0 4, 2, 500, 3, 300, 200 */ WITH inv AS ( SELECT lineId, invoiceId, itemValue, SumItemValue = SUM(itemValue) OVER (PARTITION BY InvoiceId ORDER BY ItemValue Asc ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) FROM dbo.#Sales ) , pay AS ( SELECT PaymentId, InvoiceId, PayAmount as PayAmt, SumPayAmt = SUM(PayAmount) OVER (PARTITION BY InvoiceId ORDER BY PaymentId ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED PRECEDING AND CURRENT ROW) FROM dbo.#payments ) SELECT inv.lineId, inv.InvoiceId, inv.itemValue, pay.PaymentId, PaymentAllocated = CASE WHEN SumPayAmt <= SumItemValue - itemValue OR SumItemValue <= SumPayAmt - PayAmt THEN 0 ELSE CASE WHEN SumPayAmt <= SumItemValue THEN SumPayAmt ELSE SumItemValue END - CASE WHEN SumPayAmt-PayAmt <= SumItemValue-itemValue THEN SumItemValue-itemValue ELSE SumPayAmt-PayAmt END END FROM inv JOIN pay ON inv.InvoiceId = pay.InvoiceId ORDER BY inv.InvoiceId, pay.PaymentId;
lineId InvoiceId itemValue PaymentId PaymentAllocated 2 1 -50.00 1 0.00 3 1 40.00 1 0.00 1 1 100.00 1 50.00 2 1 -50.00 2 0.00 3 1 40.00 2 0.00 1 1 100.00 2 40.00 4 2 500.00 3 300.00
- 將第一筆付款分配給最小的銷售(即-50)只是確保所有銷售線都能獲得付款的慣例。如果我任意分配或使用其他規則分配,並且第 1 行(值 100)將獲得第一筆付款,我將使用該行的所有付款,而發票的其餘部分將保持未分配狀態。
- 正如我所說,這只是一個約定。如果其他人提出了不同的規則,那沒關係。實際上,與生產表相比,結構簡化了:付款也有付款日期、類型……並且正確的分配應該告訴我們在每個付款時間支付了哪些發票行。
- 付款受系統邏輯限制,小於發票行的總和。好吧,可能是付款金額更大的情況:總發票為負數(即:-100)。在這種情況下,我們可以在付款表中插入 -100 範圍內的金額:0 並且總付款限制為 -100
drop table dbo.#sales drop table dbo.#payments CREATE TABLE dbo.#sales ( lineId int primary key, -- unique line id invoiceId int not null , -- InvoiceId foreign key itemValue money not null ) -- value of invoice line. CREATE TABLE dbo.#payments ( paymentId int primary key, -- Unique payment id InvoiceId int not null, -- InvoiceId foreign key PayAmount money not null ) -- Example invoice, id #1, with 3 lines, total ammount = 90; id #2, with one line, value 500 INSERT dbo.#sales VALUES (1, 1, 100), (2, 1, -50), (3, 1, 40), (4, 2, 500) ; -- Two payments paid towards invoice id#1, 50+40 = 90 -- One payment paid towards invoice id#2, 300 INSERT dbo.#Payments VALUES (1, 1, 50), (2, 1, 40), (3, 2, 300); SELECT s.lineId, s.InvoiceId, s.itemValue, p.PayAmount, p.PaymentId, round(p.PayAmount / ts.SumItemValue,3) as PaymentPercent, s.ItemValue * round(p.PayAmount / ts.SumItemValue,3) as AllocatedPayment FROM dbo.#sales s LEFT JOIN dbo.#payments p ON s.InvoiceId = p.InvoiceId LEFT JOIN (SELECT invoiceId, sum(itemValue) as SumItemValue FROM dbo.#sales GROUP BY invoiceId) ts ON s.invoiceId = ts.invoiceId ORDER BY s.InvoiceId, p.PaymentId;
lineId InvoiceId itemValue PayAmount PaymentId PaymentPercent AllocatedPayment 1 1 100.00 50.00 1 0.556 55.60 2 1 -50.00 50.00 1 0.556 -27.80 3 1 40.00 50.00 1 0.556 22.24 3 1 40.00 40.00 2 0.444 17.76 2 1 -50.00 40.00 2 0.444 -22.20 1 1 100.00 40.00 2 0.444 44.40 4 2 500.00 300.00 3 0.60 300.00