文件組:primarypr一世米一種r是primarydbcc shrinkfile() 完成後需要平衡每個文件的範圍計數
我正在使用約 1 TB 的數據庫,伺服器 40+ 核心,記憶體 500G+,SAN 上的數據庫文件(無法控制 lun 段),現在的瓶頸是文件爭用。目前執行 2014 年,但最終“發布”可能是企業的最新版本。
按架構大小(我們不使用 dbo)分隔到最大的塊數據使用量。找到磁碟大小約為 200G 的候選對象,將它們放入包含 4 個文件的文件組中。最後階段是採取
$$ primary $$並分成4個。下面是我為將模式移動到文件組中所做的過程,它不會以所需的方式對主要工作。
alter proc dbo.admin_MoveSchema ( @schema varchar(128) ,@exec bit = 0 ,@storage varchar(2048) = null ,@filegroup varchar(128) = null ,@files int = 4 ) as /* *************************************************************************** * example: exec dbo.admin_MoveSchema @schema = 'Schema1', @exec = 1 * *************************************************************************** */ begin try declare @msg varchar(255) ,@separator varchar(255) = replicate('=',128) set nocount on; if nullif(@storage,'') is null begin set @storage = (select top 1 reverse(right(reverse(physical_name),abs(charindex('\',reverse(physical_name)) - len(physical_name)))) + '\' from sys.database_files where physical_name like '%.mdf') end; set @filegroup = rtrim(ltrim(replace(replace(@filegroup,']',''),'[',''))); if nullif(@filegroup,'') is null begin set @filegroup = 'FG_' + @schema /* will obviously fail if the schema name is already at max size of 128 */ end; declare @s nvarchar(max) ,@i int = 1 set @msg = 'Creating Filegroup ' + @filegroup; print @separator; print '||' + replicate(' ', 39) + @msg; raiserror(@separator,0,0) with nowait; begin try set @s = ' if not exists (select 1 from sys.filegroups where name = ''' + @filegroup + ''') and ''' + @filegroup + ''' <> ''primary'' begin alter database ' + quotename(db_name()) + ' add filegroup ' + quotename(@filegroup) + '; print ''' + quotename(@filegroup) + ' added!'' end else begin print ''' + quotename(@filegroup) + ' exists.'' end;' if @exec = 1 begin exec(@s); end else begin print(@s); end; set @msg = 'Creating Files for ' + @filegroup; print @separator; print '||' + replicate(' ', 39) + @msg; raiserror(@separator,0,0) with nowait; while @i <= @files begin set @s = ' if not exists (select * from sys.sysfiles where name = ''' + @filegroup + '_' + right('00' + rtrim(@i),3) + ''') begin alter database [' + db_name() + '] add file ( name = ' + quotename(@filegroup + '_' + right('00' + rtrim(@i),3)) + ', filename = ''' + @storage + @filegroup + '_' + right('00' + rtrim(@i),3) + '.ndf'', size = 8mb, maxsize = unlimited, filegrowth = 10% ) to filegroup ' + quotename(@filegroup) + '; print ''added file: ' + quotename(@filegroup + '_' + right('00' + rtrim(@i),3)) + '''; end else begin print ''' + quotename(@filegroup + '_' + right('00' + rtrim(@i),3)) + ' exists''; end; '; if @exec = 1 begin exec(@s); end else begin print(@s); end; set @i = @i + 1; end; end try begin catch print error_message(); end catch; declare @schema_name varchar(128) ,@table_name varchar(128) ,@column_name varchar(max) -- collection of columns with asc/desc ,@index_name varchar(128) set @msg = 'Moving tables in the schema ' + quotename(@schema) + ' to filegroup ' + quotename(@filegroup); print @separator; print '||' + replicate(' ',18) + @msg; raiserror(@separator,0,0) with nowait; declare idxGen cursor local fast_forward for select s.name schema_name ,t.name table_name ,i.name index_name ,stuff((select convert(varchar(max),',') + quotename(c.name) + (case when ic.is_descending_key = 1 then ' desc' else ' asc' end) from sys.columns c inner join sys.index_columns ic on c.column_id = ic.column_id and c.object_id = ic.object_id and ic.index_id = i.index_id where c.column_id = ic.column_id and t.object_id = ic.object_id order by ic.key_ordinal for xml path('')),1,1,'') column_name from sys.indexes (nolock) i inner join sys.tables (nolock) t on t.object_id = i.object_id and i.type_desc = 'CLUSTERED' inner join sys.schemas (nolock) s on s.schema_id = t.schema_id and t.is_ms_shipped = 0 where s.name = @schema open idxGen; fetch next from idxGen into @schema_name,@table_name,@index_name,@column_name; /* first match wins, covers unique clustered, clustered and "with" defaults on most tables for unique and not. I'm not sure if the last 2 every trigger, will check later. */ while @@fetch_status = 0 begin select @s = ' begin try begin try create unique clustered index ' + quotename(@index_name) + ' on ' + quotename(@schema_name) + '.' + quotename(@table_name) + ' (' + @column_name + ') with (drop_existing=on) on ' + quotename(@filegroup) + '; end try begin catch create clustered index ' + quotename(@index_name) + ' on ' + quotename(@schema_name) + '.' + quotename(@table_name) + ' (' + @column_name + ') with (drop_existing=on) on ' + quotename(@filegroup) + '; end catch; raiserror(''[Moved/On]: ' + quotename(@schema_name) + '.' + quotename(@table_name) + ' to ' + quotename(@filegroup) + ''', 0,0); end try begin catch print error_message(); raiserror(''[### MOVE FAILED ###]: ' + quotename(@schema_name) + '.' + quotename(@table_name) + ''', 0,0); end catch; '; if @exec = 1 begin exec(@s); end else begin print(@s); end; fetch next from idxGen into @schema_name,@table_name,@index_name,@column_name; end; close idxGen; deallocate idxGen; print @separator; print '||' + replicate(' ',15) + 'Moved Tables in schema:' + quotename(@schema) + ' to filegroup:' + quotename(@filegroup); print '||' + replicate(' ',15) + 'If any [### MOVE FAILED ###] were printed above, manual move of that table may be needed.' print @separator; print ' '; end try begin catch print 'Error! find out why!'; throw end catch GO
$$ primary $$數據到它自己的 4 拆分。 添加文件和執行 dbcc shrinkfile(1,emptyfile) 的過程很好,但我想在所有文件的頁數彼此相等或接近時自動停止該過程。
我正在考慮創建和啟動一個 sql 代理作業,執行一個循環來檢查每個文件的頁面,並在文件 >= mdf 頁面時通過 kill(dbcc 收縮文件的 spid)停止它,但我真的更願意保留它在一個沒有外部依賴項/要求的腳本中(如啟動 sql 代理)。
因為我需要打開一個新查詢並執行它,直到我接近匹配,然後停止執行 dbcc 命令。
if object_id('tempdb..#fileStats','U') is not null begin drop table #fileStats; end; create table #fileStats ( FileId int ,FileGroup int ,TotalExtents bigint ,UserExtents bigint ,Name nvarchar(128) ,FileName nvarchar(2048) ); insert into #fileStats (FileId, FileGroup, TotalExtents, UserExtents, Name, FileName) exec('dbcc showfilestats'); select UserExtents - (select sum(userextents) / count(FileId) from #fileStats where FileGroup = 1) extleft ,UserExtents ,Name ,FileName from #fileStats where FileGroup = 1 ;
- 向主文件添加 1 個附加文件
- 執行 EMPTYFILE 將所有數據移動到臨時文件(注意:這將在最後的主數據文件上出錯,但您可以忽略並繼續)
- 將 3 個數據文件添加到 PRIMARY
- 對臨時文件執行 EMPTYFILE。
在第 4 步中,SQL 將使用比例填充算法將數據移動到四個文件中,從而生成 4 個大小幾乎相同的文件。