
使用 BOTH 堆和聚集索引修復 SQL 表

  • October 14, 2017

不知何故,我們有一個 SQL Server 表,表上有一個HEAP 和一個 CLUSTERED 索引。有沒有辦法來解決這個問題?例如,通過對象 ID 刪除 HEAP 索引?

如果我們刪除聚集索引,它將創建第二個 HEAP,在重新創建聚集索引時將刪除該 HEAP。這個殭屍 HEAP 索引將保留。


抱歉,表格中的最後一項是針對不同的對象/表格的。452964740 != 562309263. 因此,您在同一個表中沒有堆和聚集索引。






sys.indexes 的定義如下:

Column name         Data type           Description
------------------- ------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
object_id           int                 ID of the object to which this index belongs.  
name                sysname             Name of the index. name is unique only within the object.  NULL = Heap  
index_id            int                 ID of the index. index_id is unique only within the object. 
                                       0 = Heap; 
                                       1 = Clustered index; 
                                       > 1 = Nonclustered index   
type                tinyint             Type of index:
                                       0 = Heap
                                       1 = Clustered
                                       2 = Nonclustered
                                       3 = XML
                                       4 = Spatial
                                       5 = Clustered xVelocity memory optimized columnstore index (Reserved for future use.)  
                                       6 = Nonclustered columnstore index  
type_desc            nvarchar(60)       Description of index type:
                                       CLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE (Reserved for future use.)
                                       NONCLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE  
is_unique            bit                1 = Index is unique.
                                       0 = Index is not unique.  
data_space_id        int                ID of the data space for this index. Data space is either a filegroup or partition scheme.
                                       0 = object_id is a table-valued function.  
ignore_dup_key       bit                1 = IGNORE_DUP_KEY is ON.
                                       0 = IGNORE_DUP_KEY is OFF.  
is_primary_key        bit               1 = Index is part of a PRIMARY KEY constraint.   
is_unique_constraint  bit               1 = Index is part of a UNIQUE constraint.  
fill_factor           tinyint           > 0 = FILLFACTOR percentage used when the index was created or rebuilt.  
                                       0 = Default value
is_padded             bit               1 = PADINDEX is ON.
                                       0 = PADINDEX is OFF.
is_disabled           bit               1 = Index is disabled.
                                       0 = Index is not disabled.
is_hypothetical       bit               1 = Index is hypothetical and cannot be used directly as a data access path. Hypothetical indexes hold column-level statistics.  
                                       0 = Index is not hypothetical.
allow_row_locks       bit               1 = Index allows row locks.
                                       0 = Index does not allow row locks.
allow_page_locks      bit               1 = Index allows page locks.
                                       0 = Index does not allow page locks.
has_filter            bit               1 = Index has a filter and only contains rows that satisfy the filter definition.
                                       0 = Index does not have a filter.
filter_definition     nvarchar(max)     Expression for the subset of rows included in the filtered index.
                                       NULL for heap or non-filtered index.


select so.name, si.* from sys.indexes as si 
   join sys.objects as so 
       on si.object_id = so.object_id


