tblCustomer(UserID [Primary Key],Facebook,Twitter,PhoneNum); tblSales(InvoiceID [Primary Key],CustomerID [Foreign Key],ProductID [Foreign Key]);
出於某種原因,我們沒有現有的客戶 ID 系統,因此 UserID 將在導入時自動生成。在我的場景中,Facebook、Twitter 或電話號碼中的任何一個都可以唯一地標識一個客戶,因此我為每個人都有唯一的索引來強制執行唯一性約束。
一個常見的情況是客戶的 Facebook(或其他聯繫方式)出現在多個銷售記錄中。創建一個觸發器來處理這種情況:
CREATE TRIGGER ON dbo.viewDataEntry INSTEAD OF INSERT AS BEGIN TRY INSERT INTO dbo.tblCustomer(Facebook,Twitter,PhoneNum) SELECT Facebook,Twitter,PhoneNum FROM inserted; END TRY BEGIN CATCH IF ERROR_NUMBER() != 2601 --To ignore uniqueness violation exception THROW; END CATCH DECLARE @UserID INT; SET @UserID = (SELECT UserID FROM dbo.tblCustomer AS O,inserted AS I WHERE (O.PhoneNum = I.PhoneNum OR O.Facebook = I.Facebook OR O.Twitter = I.Twitter)); INSERT INTO dbo.tblSales(CustomerID,ProductID) SELECT @UserID,ProductID FROM inserted; GO
- 如果導入了重複的客戶記錄,刪除重複的,只插入到銷售表中;
- 如果導入了新的客戶記錄,則為客戶和銷售表創建記錄。
但是,每當輸入重複值時,我都會遇到錯誤 3910 或 3616,這意味著該事務是不可送出的。我認為這是因為需要回滾到客戶表中的插入,並且我知道我不能在保留剩餘部分的同時回滾部分事務(不幸的是,這是預期的結果)。
我找到了 MERGE 語句,但它有太多的限制(比如 WHEN MATCHED 必須後跟 UPDATE 和 DELETE)。
CREATE TABLE dbo.tblCustomer( UserID int NOT NULL IDENTITY CONSTRAINT PK_tblCustomer PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED , Facebook varchar(100) NULL , Twitter varchar(100) NULL , PhoneNum varchar(20) NULL , CONSTRAINT CK_tblCustomer_not_all_null CHECK (COALESCE(Facebook,Twitter,PhoneNum) IS NOT NULL) ); CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX idx_tblCustomer_Facebook ON dbo.tblCustomer(Facebook) WHERE Facebook IS NOT NULL; CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX idx_tblCustomer_Twitter ON dbo.tblCustomer(Twitter) WHERE Twitter IS NOT NULL; CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX idx_tblCustomer_PhoneNum ON dbo.tblCustomer(PhoneNum) WHERE PhoneNum IS NOT NULL; CREATE TABLE dbo.tblSales( InvoiceID int NOT NULL IDENTITY CONSTRAINT PK_tblSales PRIMARY KEY , CustomerID int NOT NULL CONSTRAINT FK_tblSales_tblCustomer FOREIGN KEY (CustomerID) REFERENCES dbo.tblCustomer(UserID) , ProductID int NOT NULL -- CONSTRAINT FK_tblSales_tblProduct -- FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES dbo.tblProduct(ProductID) ); GO CREATE OR ALTER PROCEDURE dbo.usp_InsertCustomerSale @ProductID int , @Facebook varchar(100) , @Twitter varchar(100) , @PhoneNum varchar(100) AS SET NOCOUNT ON; SET XACT_ABORT ON; BEGIN TRY BEGIN TRAN; --This statement will error with a 'subquery returned more than one value' if more than one customer already has these alternate keys. DECLARE @UserID int = ( SELECT UserID FROM dbo.tblCustomer WITH(UPDLOCK, HOLDLOCK) --locking hint to serialize concurrent insert attempts WHERE Facebook = @Facebook OR Twitter = @Twitter OR PhoneNum = @PhoneNum ); IF @UserID IS NULL BEGIN --insert new customer row and get assigned identity value INSERT INTO dbo.tblCustomer(Facebook, Twitter, PhoneNum) VALUES(@Facebook, @Twitter, @PhoneNum); SET @UserID = SCOPE_IDENTITY(); END; --insert sales row INSERT INTO dbo.tblSales(CustomerID,ProductID) VALUES (@UserID, @ProductID); COMMIT; END TRY BEGIN CATCH IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK; THROW; END CATCH; GO --insert customer and sale for customer 1 EXEC dbo.usp_InsertCustomerSale @ProductID = 1 , @Facebook = 'fb1' , @Twitter = 'tw1' , @PhoneNum = '(111)111-1111'; --insert customer and sale for customer 2 EXEC dbo.usp_InsertCustomerSale @ProductID = 2 , @Facebook = 'fb2' , @Twitter = 'tw2' , @PhoneNum = '(222)222-2222'; --insert sale only for customer 2 (with no natural key on sales table, nothing will prevent dup sales) EXEC dbo.usp_InsertCustomerSale @ProductID = 2 , @Facebook = 'fb2' , @Twitter = 'tw2' , @PhoneNum = '(222)222-2222'; --this will err due to ambiguous customer (customer 1 has phone and customer 2 has facebook and twitter EXEC dbo.usp_InsertCustomerSale @ProductID = 3 , @Facebook = 'fb2' , @Twitter = 'tw2' , @PhoneNum = '(111)111-1111';