HashBytes 計算列:排除列
我們要創建 Hashbytes 計算列 Non-Persisted。表有二十列,並且想排除 IdentityId 列。我怎麼能在計算列中做到這一點?是否有排除某些列的 SQL 庫函式?目的是為了便於維護,並且隨著列的增加,不希望開發人員忘記添加額外的列。所以 hashbyte 應該總是取所有列,排除身份。
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[CustomerTransactiont] ( CustomerTransactionId int primary key identity(1,1), CustomerName varchar(255), Price decimal(10,2), Quantity int,... ..... RowHash as hashbytes('SHA2_512', CONCAT(CustomerName,'|' ,Price), '|' ,Quantity), '|'... )) )
參考: 如何為多列創建雜湊計算列?
declare @script nvarchar(max) with q as ( select concat(N' alter table ',quotename(schema_name(t.schema_id)),'.',quotename(t.name),' drop column if exists RowHash; alter table ',quotename(schema_name(t.schema_id)),'.',quotename(t.name),' add RowHash as hashbytes(''SHA2_512'', concat('''',',STRING_AGG(cast(quotename(c.name) as nvarchar(max)), ',''|'',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY c.column_id ASC),')); ' ) cmd from sys.tables t join sys.columns c on t.object_id = c.object_id join sys.types ty on c.user_type_id = ty.user_type_id where c.is_identity = 0 and t.object_id in (select object_id from sys.columns where name = 'RowHash') and c.name <> 'RowHash' and t.is_ms_shipped = 0 and c.is_computed = 0 and ty.name not in ('hierarchyid','xml', 'geography', 'geometry') group by t.object_id, t.schema_id, t.name ) select @script = string_agg(cast(cmd as nvarchar(max)) , N' ') from q print @script --set xact_abort on --begin transaction --exec sp_executesql @script --commit