如何使用 SQL Server 2014 的 UPDATE 合併和刪除 SQL 中的重複行?
id | code | name | type | deviceType ---+------+------+------+----------- 1 | 23 | xyz | 0 | web 2 | 23 | xyz | 0 | mobile 3 | 24 | xyzc | 0 | web 4 | 25 | xyzc | 0 | web
id | code | name | type | deviceType ---+------+------+------+----------- 1 | 23 | xyz | 0 | web&mobile 2 | 24 | xyzc | 0 | web 3 | 25 | xyzc | 0 | web
如何在 SQL Server 中使用
語句執行此操作?注意:不幸的是,我無法使用給出的解決方案,因為 SQL Server 2014 沒有“STRING_AGG”功能。
with stable as ( SELECT ROW_NUMBER() over(order by [code]) as [ID] , [code] , [name] , [type] , CASE WHEN (SUM([web]) = 1 AND SUM([mobile]) = 1) THEN 'web&mobile' WHEN (SUM([web]) = 1 ) THEN 'web' WHEN (SUM([mobile]) = 1) THEN 'mobile' ELSE null END AS deviceType FROM ( select [id], [code], [name], [type], [web], [mobile] from ( SELECT [id], [code], [name], [type], [deviceType] FROM [dbo].[table] ) as source pivot ( COUNT(deviceType) FOR deviceType IN ([web],[mobile]) ) as tb ) source group by [code], [name], [type]) ,ttable as ( SELECT [id], [code], [name], [type], [deviceType] FROM [dbo].[table] ) MERGE INTO ttable as T USING stable as S ON t.id = S.id WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET T.[code] = S.[code], T.[name] = S.[name], T.[type] = S.[type], T.[deviceType] = S.[deviceType] WHEN NOT MATCHED BY SOURCE THEN DELETE ;
假設您要按 、 和 欄位分組
s 的聚合,在 SQL Server 2014 中,您可以使用stuff
and的這種解決方法FOR XML
欄位中的任何值。與您的範例輸出相比,此解決方案的一個區別是表中的原始行/id 得到更新並刪除了額外的行。在您的範例中,id 1 和 2 組合在一起,因此最終結果保留了第 1 行,即現在的第 1 行和第 2 行,並將 id 2 作為單獨的行刪除。
這是在 SQL Server 2014 中驗證的完全可重現的範例:
create table #tmp ( id int not null, code int not null, name nvarchar(255) not null, type int not null, deviceType nvarchar(255) not null) insert into #tmp values (1, 23, 'xyz', 0, 'web') insert into #tmp values (2, 23, 'xyz', 0, 'mobile') insert into #tmp values (3, 24, 'xyzc', 0, 'web') insert into #tmp values (4, 25, 'xyzc', 0, 'web') -- Original table for comparison select * from #tmp -- Output grouped by code, name, type, and aggregate deviceType ;with results as ( select min(id) as id, code, name, type, ( stuff((SELECT '&' + Cast(dt.deviceType AS VARCHAR (300)) [text()] FROM #tmp dt WHERE tmp.code = dt.code and tmp.name = dt.name and tmp.type = dt.type FOR xml path(''), type).value('.', 'nvarchar(MAX)'), 1, 1, '') ) as [deviceType] from #tmp tmp group by code, name, type ) merge into #tmp using results on #tmp.id = results.id when matched then update set #tmp.deviceType = results.deviceType when not matched by source then delete; select * from #tmp drop table #tmp