如何查詢 SSISDB 以找出包中的錯誤?
我看過這個問題 SSIS 2012 - How to Query Current Running Packages in T-SQL?
SELECT E.execution_id , E.folder_name , E.project_name , E.package_name , E.reference_id , E.reference_type , E.environment_folder_name , E.environment_name , E.project_lsn , E.executed_as_sid , E.executed_as_name , E.use32bitruntime , E.operation_type , E.created_time , E.object_type , E.object_id , E.status , E.start_time , E.end_time , E.caller_sid , E.caller_name , E.process_id , E.stopped_by_sid , E.stopped_by_name , E.dump_id , E.server_name , E.machine_name , E.total_physical_memory_kb , E.available_physical_memory_kb , E.total_page_file_kb , E.available_page_file_kb , E.cpu_count , F.folder_id , F.name , F.description , F.created_by_sid , F.created_by_name , F.created_time , P.project_id , P.folder_id , P.name , P.description , P.project_format_version , P.deployed_by_sid , P.deployed_by_name , P.last_deployed_time , P.created_time , P.object_version_lsn , P.validation_status , P.last_validation_time , PKG.package_id , PKG.name , PKG.package_guid , PKG.description , PKG.package_format_version , PKG.version_major , PKG.version_minor , PKG.version_build , PKG.version_comments , PKG.version_guid , PKG.project_id , PKG.entry_point , PKG.validation_status , PKG.last_validation_time FROM SSISDB.catalog.executions AS E INNER JOIN ssisdb.catalog.folders AS F ON F.name = E.folder_name INNER JOIN SSISDB.catalog.projects AS P ON P.folder_id = F.folder_id AND P.name = E.project_name INNER JOIN SSISDB.catalog.packages AS PKG ON PKG.project_id = P.project_id AND PKG.name = E.package_name;
我想使用 T-SQL 來查詢錯誤資訊。
SELECT q.* FROM (SELECT em.* FROM SSISDB.catalog.event_messages em WHERE em.operation_id = (SELECT MAX(execution_id) FROM SSISDB.catalog.executions) AND event_name NOT LIKE '%Validate%') q /* Put in whatever WHERE predicates you might like*/ --WHERE event_name = 'OnError' WHERE package_name = 'InfoGroup Feed.dtsx' --WHERE execution_path LIKE '%<some executable>%' ORDER BY message_time DESC
歡迎提供有關如何解決 SSIS 錯誤的任何資訊。
並且您對 120(錯誤)類型的事件感興趣。根據您要建構的查詢的健壯程度,以下兩個派生表可能也很有趣。
--- http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff877994.aspx -- This query translates the message_type from SSISDB.catalog.operation_messages -- into useful text SELECT D.message_type , D.message_desc FROM ( VALUES (-1,'Unknown') , (120,'Error') , (110,'Warning') , (70,'Information') , (10,'Pre-validate') , (20,'Post-validate') , (30,'Pre-execute') , (40,'Post-execute') , (60,'Progress') , (50,'StatusChange') , (100,'QueryCancel') , (130,'TaskFailed') , (90,'Diagnostic') , (200,'Custom') , (140,'DiagnosticEx Whenever an Execute Package task executes a child package, it logs this event. The event message consists of the parameter values passed to child packages. The value of the message column for DiagnosticEx is XML text.') , (400,'NonDiagnostic') , (80,'VariableValueChanged') ) D (message_type, message_desc); -- Where was the error message generated? SELECT D.message_source_type , D.message_source_desc FROM ( VALUES (10,'Entry APIs, such as T-SQL and CLR Stored procedures') , (20,'External process used to run package (ISServerExec.exe)') , (30,'Package-level objects') , (40,'Control Flow tasks') , (50,'Control Flow containers') , (60,'Data Flow task') ) D (message_source_type, message_source_desc);
我使用這樣的查詢來查找有關錯誤的資訊。也許我只關心錯誤是什麼(查詢1)。其他時候,我想知道所有失敗的操作的所有活動(查詢 2)。一般來說,我很懶,想查看有關最後一次失敗操作的所有資訊(查詢 3 並註意警告)。
-- http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff877994.aspx -- Find all error messages SELECT OM.operation_message_id , OM.operation_id , OM.message_time , OM.message_type , OM.message_source_type , OM.message , OM.extended_info_id FROM catalog.operation_messages AS OM WHERE OM.message_type = 120; -- Generate all the messages associated to failing operations SELECT OM.operation_message_id , OM.operation_id , OM.message_time , OM.message_type , OM.message_source_type , OM.message , OM.extended_info_id FROM catalog.operation_messages AS OM INNER JOIN ( -- Find failing operations SELECT DISTINCT OM.operation_id FROM catalog.operation_messages AS OM WHERE OM.message_type = 120 ) D ON D.operation_id = OM.operation_id; -- Find all messages associated to the last failing run SELECT OM.operation_message_id , OM.operation_id , OM.message_time , OM.message_type , OM.message_source_type , OM.message , OM.extended_info_id FROM catalog.operation_messages AS OM WHERE OM.operation_id = ( -- Find the last failing operation -- lazy assumption that biggest operation -- id is last. Could be incorrect if a long -- running process fails after a quick process -- has also failed SELECT MAX(OM.operation_id) FROM catalog.operation_messages AS OM WHERE OM.message_type = 120 );
也許我很懶惰,不想在發生故障時查找此資訊,就像您的團隊似乎所做的那樣。我有一個按需執行的 SQL 代理作業,並且我有執行 SSIS 包的作業設置為在發生故障時執行該作業。
DECLARE @profile_name sysname = 'SQLAdmins' , @recipients varchar(max) = 'billinkc@kfc.com' , @copy_recipients varchar(max) = NULL , @blind_copy_recipients varchar(max) = NULL , @subject nvarchar(255) = 'failed package test' , @body nvarchar(max) = 'Stuff has failed, fix please' , @body_format varchar(20) = NULL , @importance varchar(6) = 'NORMAL' , @sensitivity varchar(12) = 'NORMAL' , @file_attachments nvarchar(max) = NULL , @query nvarchar(max) = N' SELECT O.object_name AS FailingPackageName , O.object_id , O.caller_name , O.server_name , O.operation_id , OM.message_time , EM.message_desc , D.message_source_desc , OM.message FROM SSISDB.catalog.operation_messages AS OM INNER JOIN SSISDB.catalog.operations AS O ON O.operation_id = OM.operation_id INNER JOIN ( VALUES (-1,''Unknown'') , (120,''Error'') , (110,''Warning'') , (70,''Information'') , (10,''Pre-validate'') , (20,''Post-validate'') , (30,''Pre-execute'') , (40,''Post-execute'') , (60,''Progress'') , (50,''StatusChange'') , (100,''QueryCancel'') , (130,''TaskFailed'') , (90,''Diagnostic'') , (200,''Custom'') , (140,''DiagnosticEx Whenever an Execute Package task executes a child package, it logs this event. The event message consists of the parameter values passed to child packages. The value of the message column for DiagnosticEx is XML text.'') , (400,''NonDiagnostic'') , (80,''VariableValueChanged'') ) EM (message_type, message_desc) ON EM.message_type = OM.message_type INNER JOIN ( VALUES (10,''Entry APIs, such as T-SQL and CLR Stored procedures'') , (20,''External process used to run package (ISServerExec.exe)'') , (30,''Package-level objects'') , (40,''Control Flow tasks'') , (50,''Control Flow containers'') , (60,''Data Flow task'') ) D (message_source_type, message_source_desc) ON D.message_source_type = OM.message_source_type WHERE OM.operation_id = ( SELECT MAX(OM.operation_id) FROM SSISDB.catalog.operation_messages AS OM WHERE OM.message_type = 120 ) AND OM.message_type IN (120, 130); ' , @execute_query_database sysname = NULL , @attach_query_result_as_file bit = 0 , @query_attachment_filename nvarchar(260) = NULL , @query_result_header bit = 1 , @query_result_width int = 256 , @query_result_separator char(1) = char(13) , @exclude_query_output bit = 0 , @append_query_error bit = 0 , @query_no_truncate bit = 0 , @query_result_no_padding bit = 0 , @mailitem_id int = NULL , @from_address varchar(max) = NULL , @reply_to varchar(max) = NULL; -- Send email about the failure EXECUTE msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail @profile_name , @recipients , @copy_recipients , @blind_copy_recipients , @subject , @body , @body_format , @importance , @sensitivity , @file_attachments , @query , @execute_query_database , @attach_query_result_as_file , @query_attachment_filename , @query_result_header , @query_result_width , @query_result_separator , @exclude_query_output , @append_query_error , @query_no_truncate , @query_result_no_padding , @mailitem_id OUTPUT , @from_address , @reply_to;