我的 SQL Server 數據庫中有許多並行執行的查詢。我需要找出最長執行緒和最短執行緒的時間差異很大的查詢(不包括協調執行緒)。事實上,我需要找到差異最大的前 10 個此類查詢(來自在 1 小時內執行的查詢)。如何在 SQL Server 中跟踪此資訊?
注意:我使用的是 SQL Server 2012。
/*============================================================================ PerThreadcollection.sql Written by Taiob M Ali SqlWorldWide.com This script will show where queries (certain tasks within execution plan) are running in parallel and difference in time for the longest thread and the shortest thread is high (excluding co-ordinator thread). Instruction to run this script -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --You will have to adjust @howManyTimes Variable values based on your requirements --You will have to adjust @WaitSec Variable values based on your requirements ============================================================================*/ USE [DbaDB] GO --Creating table to hold raw data SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO CREATE TABLE [DbaDB].[dbo].[PerThreadcollection]( [timestamp] [datetime] NOT NULL, [session_id] [smallint] NOT NULL, [status] [nvarchar](30) NOT NULL, [command] [nvarchar](32) NOT NULL, [blocking_session_id] [smallint] NULL, [wait_type] [nvarchar](60) NULL, [exec_context_id] [int] NULL, [task_state] [nvarchar](60) NULL, [text] [nvarchar](max) NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO --Collecting raw data DECLARE @howManyTimes int=0 DECLARE @WaitSec char(2) = '30' DECLARE @Delay char(8) SET @Delay = '00:' + '00:' +@WaitSec WHILE(@howManyTimes<101) BEGIN INSERT INTO [DbaDB].[dbo].[PerThreadcollection] SELECT GETDATE(), er.session_id, er.status, er.command, er.blocking_session_id, er.wait_type, ot.exec_context_id, ot.task_state, st.text FROM sys.dm_exec_requests er JOIN sys.dm_os_tasks ot ON ( er.session_id = ot.session_id ) CROSS apply sys.Dm_exec_sql_text(er.sql_handle) st WHERE er.session_id IN (SELECT session_id FROM sys.dm_os_tasks GROUP BY session_id HAVING Count(exec_context_id) > 1) WAITFOR DELAY @Delay SET @howManyTimes = @howManyTimes + 1 END GO ;WITH MinExecution (sessionID, execContextId, queryText, mintime) AS ( Select session_id, exec_context_id, [text], MIN(timestamp) AS [MinTime] FROM [DbaDB].[dbo].[PerThreadcollection] WHERE exec_context_id <>0 GROUP BY session_id, exec_context_id, [text] ), MaxExecution (sessionID, execContextId, queryText, maxtime) AS ( SELECT session_id, exec_context_id, [text], MAX(timestamp) AS [MaxTime] FROM [DbaDB].[dbo].[PerThreadcollection] WHERE exec_context_id <>0 GROUP BY session_id, exec_context_id, [text] ) SELECT sessionId, queryText, (MAX(duration)-MIN(duration)) AS [deltaInSeconds] from ( SELECT mi.sessionID, mi.execContextId,mi.queryText ,DATEDIFF(ss, minTime, maxTime) AS [duration] FROM MinExecution AS mi JOIN MaxExecution AS mx ON mi.sessionID=mx.sessionID AND mi.execContextId=mx.execContextId AND mi.queryText=mx.queryText) as t GROUP BY sessionId, queryText ORDER BY [deltaInSeconds] DESC GO
您想要採用的方法(即最短和最長執行緒之間的最大差異)與根據開始時間查找最長執行查詢的方法之間的(實際)區別是什麼?唯一的區別似乎是執行緒 1 啟動所需的時間。因此,假設就執行緒 1 啟動所需的時間而言,查詢之間相當一致(即差異最小),那麼該時間量將不再是確定最長執行查詢的相關因素。
另外,最短和最長執行緒之間的“時間差異”到底是什麼意思?您是指從開始時間到結束時間(即使執行緒“暫停”或“睡眠”也會增加)還是僅活動的處理時間(考慮到在非執行狀態下花費的時間)?實際上,這種區別可能並不重要,因為似乎不可能通過查詢獲得任何一個。只有少數 DMV 甚至具有“context_id”(或類似)欄位,並且沒有一個報告
:SELECT OBJECT_NAME(sac.[object_id]), sac.[name] FROM sys.all_columns sac WHERE sac.[name] LIKE N'%exec%context%' AND OBJECT_NAME(sac.[object_id]) NOT LIKE N'dm[_]pdw[_]%' ORDER BY OBJECT_NAME(sac.[object_id]), sac.[name];
dm_db_task_space_usage exec_context_id dm_os_tasks exec_context_id dm_os_waiting_tasks blocking_exec_context_id dm_os_waiting_tasks exec_context_id dm_tran_locks request_exec_context_id
SELECT qstat.* FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats qstat ORDER BY qstat.total_worker_time DESC;