有沒有一種快速的方法來查找 SQL Server 2008 R2 中所有已加密/具有加密數據的列?
有沒有一種快速的方法來查找 SQL Server 2008 R2 中所有已加密/具有加密數據的列?
我搜尋了網路,查看了INFORMATION_SCHEMA並檢查了我認為有用的 DMV 以及sys.columns和**sys.objects——**但到目前為止還沒有運氣。
假設您正在討論使用 SQL Server 密鑰加密的數據,則可以找到這些列。
函式將返回用於加密該特定值的密鑰的名稱,如果沒有使用“已知”密鑰(第 3 方,或簡單未加密)加密任何內容,則返回 NULL。有了這個知識,我們可以測試每一列,看看它是否至少包含一個行,該行的 varbinary 值返回一個鍵名
key_name() 的功能
--create a test database CREATE DATABASE [Test_ENCR] GO --change context USE [Test_ENCR] GO --because it's possible to encrypt different rows with different keys I'll create 2 keys for this demo -- Create a symmetric key CREATE SYMMETRIC KEY symmetricKey1 WITH ALGORITHM = AES_128 ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'password01!'; GO -- Create a second key CREATE SYMMETRIC KEY symmetricKey2 WITH ALGORITHM = AES_128 ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'password02!'; GO --create a table that will have a column holding: --1: encrypted row with key1 --2: encrypted row with key2 --3: a non encrypted just varbinary value CREATE TABLE encryptedTable (ID int IDENTITY PRIMARY KEY, EncryptedCol varbinary(256) NOT NULL); GO -- open key1 OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY symmetricKey1 DECRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'password01!'; GO -- open key2 OPEN SYMMETRIC KEY symmetricKey2 DECRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'password02!'; GO --insert encrypted data with key1 INSERT INTO encryptedTable(encryptedCol) VALUES ( ENCRYPTBYKEY (Key_GUID('symmetricKey1'), 'EncryptedText1')); GO --insert encrypted data with key2 INSERT INTO encryptedTable(encryptedCol) VALUES ( ENCRYPTBYKEY (Key_GUID('symmetricKey2'), 'EncryptedText2')); GO --insert just varbinary data INSERT INTO encryptedTable(encryptedCol) VALUES (CONVERT(varbinary(256),'NotEncryptedTextJustVarBinary')) --have a look, without the key, all varbinary for you. SELECT * FROM encryptedTable GO
--Return all key_names SELECT DISTINCT key_name(encryptedcol), EncryptedCol FROM encryptedTable;
--How do we dynamically find all the columns that have at least one row with a encrypted value? -- first we will find all tables and column with a varbinary datatype -- then we will test all those columns with a simple select -- If the key_name() function returns a value, the column and table name are stored together with the keyname --create a table to hold all varbinary columns and tables CREATE TABLE #TablesWithVarbinCols ( ID int IDENTITY, TableName nvarchar(128), ColumnName nvarchar(128) ); --create a table to hold the end result CREATE TABLE #TablesWithEncryption ( TableName nvarchar(128), ColumnName nvarchar(128), KeyName varchar(128) ); --find and store all table and column names of user tables containing a varbinary column INSERT INTO #TablesWithVarbinCols (TableName,ColumnName) SELECT o.[name] as TableName, c.[name] as ColumnName FROM sys.objects o INNER JOIN sys.columns c ON o.[object_id]=c.[object_id] INNER JOIN sys.types t ON c.system_type_id=t.system_type_id WHERE o.[type]='U' AND t.name=N'varbinary' AND c.max_length > -1; DECLARE @col nvarchar(256) DECLARE @tab nvarchar(256) DECLARE @c int = 1 DECLARE @MaxC int DECLARE @SQL varchar(max) SELECT @MaxC=MAX(ID) FROM #TablesWithVarbinCols --loop the previous result and create a simple select statement with a key_name() is not null where clause. --If you have a result, store the details WHILE @c <= @MaxC BEGIN SELECT @Tab=TableName, @col=ColumnName FROM #TablesWithVarbinCols WHERE ID=@c SET @SQL=' INSERT INTO #TablesWithEncryption (TableName, ColumnName, KeyName) SELECT DISTINCT '''+@Tab +''',''' +@col +''', key_name('+@Col +') from '+ @tab +' WHERE key_name('+@Col +') is not null;' exec (@SQL) DELETE FROM #TablesWithVarbinCols WHERE id=@c; SET @c=@c+1 END --select the result SELECT * FROM #TablesWithEncryption;
--cleanup DROP TABLE #TablesWithVarbinCols; DROP TABLE #TablesWithEncryption;