有沒有辦法使用 MS SQL Server 2016 將兩個沒有 JOIN 的 SQL 表傳遞到 R 中?
有沒有辦法使用 MS SQL Server 2016 將兩個沒有 JOIN 的 SQL Server 表傳遞到 R 中?
, 將 ‘TABLE’ 作為數據框傳遞到具有預設變數名稱的 R 中InputDataSet
。有沒有辦法通過 R 以某種方式訪問駐留在 SQL Server 中的其他表?
可以是 T-SQL 語句,也可以是對隱藏複雜 SQL 語句的視圖的引用,所以事情真的可以像你做的那樣複雜。下面是一些關於如何組合相同或不同結構的表的簡單範例。可以想像,您可以在 r 腳本中對錶源列 (xsource
) 進行一些過濾:DROP VIEW IF EXISTS dbo.vw_union1 DROP VIEW IF EXISTS dbo.vw_union2 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.table1 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.table2 DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.table3 GO CREATE TABLE dbo.table1 ( col1 INT NOT NULL, col2 INT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_table1 PRIMARY KEY ( col1 ) ) GO -- Same structure as table1 CREATE TABLE dbo.table2 ( col1 INT NOT NULL, col2 INT NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_table2 PRIMARY KEY ( col1 ) ) GO -- Different structure to table1 CREATE TABLE dbo.table3 ( col7 VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL, col8 DATE NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT PK_table3 PRIMARY KEY ( col7 ) ) GO INSERT INTO dbo.table1 ( col1, col2 ) VALUES ( 1, 2 ), ( 3, 4 ) INSERT INTO dbo.table2 ( col1, col2 ) VALUES ( 1, 6 ), ( 3, 8 ) GO INSERT INTO dbo.table3 ( col7, col8 ) VALUES ( 'A', GETDATE() ), ( 'B', GETDATE() ) GO CREATE VIEW dbo.vw_union1 AS SELECT 'table1' AS xsource, col1, col2 FROM dbo.table1 UNION ALL SELECT 'table2' AS xsource, col1, col2 FROM dbo.table2 GO CREATE VIEW dbo.vw_union2 AS SELECT 'table1' AS xsource, col1, col2 , NULL AS col7, NULL AS col8 FROM dbo.table1 UNION ALL SELECT 'table3' AS xsource, NULL AS col1, NULL AS col2, col7, col8 FROM dbo.table3 GO -- Long SQL statement; same text as vw_union1 EXEC dbo.sp_execute_external_script @language = N'R', @input_data_1 = N'SELECT ''table1'' AS xsource, col1, col2 FROM dbo.table1 UNION ALL SELECT ''table2'' AS xsource, col1, col2 FROM dbo.table2', @script = N'OutputDataSet <- aggregate(InputDataSet$col2, by=list(InputDataSet$col1), FUN=median)' GO -- SELECT from view where structures are the same EXEC dbo.sp_execute_external_script @language = N'R', @input_data_1 = N'SELECT xsource, col2 FROM dbo.vw_union1', @script = N'OutputDataSet <- aggregate(InputDataSet$col2, by=list(InputDataSet$xsource), FUN=median)' GO -- SELECT from view where structures are the different EXEC dbo.sp_execute_external_script @language = N'R', @input_data_1 = N'SELECT xsource, col2 FROM dbo.vw_union2', @script = N'OutputDataSet <- aggregate(InputDataSet$col2, by=list(InputDataSet$xsource), FUN=median)' GO -- subset example EXEC dbo.sp_execute_external_script @language = N'R', @input_data_1 = N'SELECT xsource, col2 FROM dbo.vw_union1', @script = N'InputDataSet <- subset( InputDataSet, xsource == "table1") OutputDataSet <- aggregate(InputDataSet$col2, by=list(InputDataSet$xsource), FUN=median)' GO
正如 wBob 建議的那樣,在兩個表上使用 UNION 創建一個 VIEW,使用 R 導入它,然後根據要求切片所需的屬性以獲取兩個數據幀或數據幀工作正常。
但出於我的目的,使用 RevoScaleR 庫在 SQL Server 中直接通過 R 導入表效果更好。下面的範常式式碼顯示了在 SQL Server 2016 中使用 RevoScaleR 包導入表的兩種不同方法:
execute sp_execute_external_script @language = N'R' , @script = N' connStr <- "Driver=SQL Server;Server=*Server*;Database=*DB*;Uid=*User*;Pwd=*Password*"; table1 <- RxSqlServerData(connectionString = connStr, table="TABLE1"); table1_df <- rxDataStep(table1); print(table1_df) table2 <- RxSqlServerData(connectionString = connStr, sqlQuery=paste("SELECT * FROM TABLE2")); OutputDataSet <- rxDataStep(table2); ' , @input_data_1 = N''