記憶體問題:Tempdb 使用了幾乎所有的緩衝區記憶體
在我今天工作的一台伺服器上,我看到幾乎所有的緩衝區記憶體都由 tempdb 填充。因此,伺服器上的記憶體非常低。
Microsoft SQL Server 2014 (SP2-CU13) (KB4456287) - 12.0.5590.1 (X64)
2018 年 8 月 1 日 01:23:36 版權所有 (c) Microsoft Corporation Standard Edition (64-bit) on Windows NT 6.3 (Build 14393:) (管理程序)
4 個數據文件 = 4096 MB 1 個日誌文件 = 1536MB
我的問題是 TEMPDB 使用了 13GB 的緩衝區記憶體。我檢查了 tempdb 中的對象,我的 sp_blitz 臨時表所在的最大對象,其中沒有那麼大。
沒有為任何數據庫啟用 RCSI,因此不應該是版本儲存問題。
當我在 tempdb 上執行檢查點時,大約需要 30 秒,但完成。
當我執行 dbcc dropcleanbuffers 時,緩衝區記憶體中 tempdb 的存在會減少 tto 有時 1 GB 有時 4 GB 30 秒後它又恢復了 13 GB 的輝煌
dbcc dropcleanbuffers DECLARE @total_buffer INT; SELECT @total_buffer = cntr_value FROM sys.dm_os_performance_counters WHERE RTRIM([object_name]) LIKE '%Buffer Manager' AND counter_name = 'Database Pages'; ;WITH src AS ( SELECT database_id, db_buffer_pages = COUNT_BIG(*) FROM sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors --WHERE database_id BETWEEN 5 AND 32766 GROUP BY database_id ) SELECT [db_name] = CASE [database_id] WHEN 32767 THEN 'Resource DB' ELSE DB_NAME([database_id]) END, db_buffer_pages, db_buffer_MB = db_buffer_pages / 128, db_buffer_percent = CONVERT(DECIMAL(6,3), db_buffer_pages * 100.0 / @total_buffer) FROM src ORDER BY db_buffer_MB DESC;
db_name db_buffer_pages db_buffer_MB db_buffer_percent tempdb 620627 4848 58.096
30 秒後:
db_name db_buffer_pages db_buffer_MB db_buffer_percent tempdb 1313835 10264 83.560
Tempdb 緩衝區記憶體使用高峰期 (its_over_9000.jpeg)
檢查 tempdb 中的對象:
use tempdb go SELECT t.NAME AS TableName, s.Name AS SchemaName, p.rows AS RowCounts, SUM(a.total_pages) * 8 AS TotalSpaceKB, SUM(a.used_pages) * 8 AS UsedSpaceKB, (SUM(a.total_pages) - SUM(a.used_pages)) * 8 AS UnusedSpaceKB FROM sys.tables t INNER JOIN sys.indexes i ON t.OBJECT_ID = i.object_id INNER JOIN sys.partitions p ON i.object_id = p.OBJECT_ID AND i.index_id = p.index_id INNER JOIN sys.allocation_units a ON p.partition_id = a.container_id LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.schemas s ON t.schema_id = s.schema_id GROUP BY t.Name, s.Name, p.Rows ORDER BY TotalSpaceKB desc
前 4 個值:
TableName SchemaName RowCounts TotalSpaceKB UsedSpaceKB UnusedSpaceKB #A3B2C869 dbo 0 72 16 56 #A52E4149 dbo 0 72 16 56 #A59B10DB dbo 0 72 16 56 #A68F3514 dbo 0 72 16 56
總共有 74 個對象。
我確實看到很多(375 000+ !!!)頁有 7965 字節的可用空間,而我的記憶體緩衝區中只有一行。使用的查詢:
select * from sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors where database_id = 2 order by free_space_in_bytes desc
file_id page_id page_level allocation_unit_id page_type row_count free_space_in_bytes 1 109763 0 71635384526569472 INDEX_PAGE 1 7965
但更多的是 40 字節的可用空間 (1M),請參見下文。
select page_type,free_space_in_bytes, count(*)as counter from sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors where database_id = 2 group by page_type, free_space_in_bytes having count(*) > 500 order by free_space_in_bytes desc
為什麼在發出 dbcc dropcleanbuffers 後我的 tempdb 會很快填滿?我錯過了什麼,我應該檢查什麼?
2018 年 11 月 30 日更新
將 TEMPDB 設置為 4 個 512 MB 的文件並重新啟動伺服器後,緩衝區中的 MB 似乎較低。但是它仍然是6GB。
exec sp_reset_connection SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dbo.SomeTable WHERE Error IS NULL
-- network protocol: TCP/IP set quoted_identifier on set arithabort off set numeric_roundabort off set ansi_warnings on set ansi_padding on set ansi_nulls on set concat_null_yields_null on set cursor_close_on_commit off set implicit_transactions off set language us_english set dateformat mdy set datefirst 7 set transaction isolation level serializable
-- network protocol: TCP/IP set quoted_identifier on set arithabort off set numeric_roundabort off set ansi_warnings on set ansi_padding on set ansi_nulls on set concat_null_yields_null on set cursor_close_on_commit off set implicit_transactions off set language us_english set dateformat mdy set datefirst 7 set transaction isolation level read committed
Max mem 有點偏低:
DBCC 頁面檢查:DBCC TRACEON (3604);
DBCC 頁面 (2, 5, 474258, 3); DBCC TRACEOFF (3604);
bpage = 0x00000016AA16C000 bhash = 0x0000000000000000 bpageno = (5:474258) bdbid = 2 breferences = 0 bcputicks = 0 bsampleCount = 0 bUse1 = 1952 bstat = 0x109 blog = 0xcdcdcdcd bnext = 0x0000000000000000 PAGE HEADER: Page @0x00000016AA16C000 m_pageId = (5:474258) m_headerVersion = 1 m_type = 3 m_typeFlagBits = 0x0 m_level = 0 m_flagBits = 0x8020 m_objId (AllocUnitId.idObj) = -1778255884 m_indexId (AllocUnitId.idInd) = 255 Metadata: AllocUnitId = 71941054260314112 Metadata: PartitionId = 0 Metadata: IndexId = -1 Metadata: ObjectId = 0 m_prevPage = (0:0) m_nextPage = (0:0) pminlen = 0 m_slotCnt = 1 m_freeCnt = 40 m_freeData = 8150 m_reservedCnt = 0 m_lsn = (5148:180860:473) m_xactReserved = 0 m_xdesId = (0:0) m_ghostRecCnt = 0 m_tornBits = 0 DB Frag ID = 1 Allocation Status GAM (5:2) = NOT ALLOCATED SGAM (5:3) = NOT ALLOCATED PFS (5:469104) = 0x4 100_PCT_FULL DIFF (5:6) = NOT CHANGED ML (5:7) = NOT MIN_LOGGED Blob row at: Page (5:474258) Slot 0 Length: 8054 Type: 3 (DATA) Blob Id:2794796220416 000000464FAFA06E: 0044002b 006f0051 00550038 00520058 +.D.Q.o.8.U.X.R. ...
@Craig 你的輸出:
不確定,但sys.allocation_units和 sys.partitions 之間的連接並不完全正確。例如
select bd.file_id, bd.page_id, p.* from sys.dm_os_buffer_descriptors bd left join sys.allocation_units au on bd.allocation_unit_id = au.allocation_unit_id left join sys.partitions p on ( au.type in (1,3) and au.container_id = p.hobt_id ) or ( au.type = 2 and au.container_id = p.partition_id ) where database_id = 2
您還可以嘗試檢查Tempdb 中的一些頁面,以查看頁眉和數據是否為您提供了它們來自何處的任何指示。
SET NOCOUNT ON; SELECT (DATEDIFF(n, dtat.transaction_begin_time, GETDATE())) as duration, * FROM sys.dm_tran_active_transactions dtat INNER JOIN sys.dm_tran_session_transactions dtst ON dtat.transaction_id = dtst.transaction_id INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions es ON dtst.session_id = es.session_id WHERE es.session_id > 50