Ms sql MERGE INTO 鎖定整個表以進行更新
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Statistic] ( [Id] [INT] IDENTITY(1, 1) NOT NULL , [EntityId] [INT] NULL , [EntityTypeId] [UNIQUEIDENTIFIER] NOT NULL , [ValueTypeId] [UNIQUEIDENTIFIER] NOT NULL , [Value] [DECIMAL](19, 5) NOT NULL , [Date] [DATETIME2](7) NULL , [AggregateTypeId] [INT] NOT NULL , [JsonData] [NVARCHAR](MAX) NULL , [WeekDay] AS (DATEDIFF(DAY, CONVERT([DATETIME], '19000101', (112)), [Date]) % (7) + (1)) PERSISTED , CONSTRAINT [PK_Statistic] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED ([Id] ASC) ); CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Statistic_EntityId_EntityTypeId_ValueTypeId_AggregateTypeId_Date] ON [dbo].[Statistic] ( [EntityId] ASC , [EntityTypeId] ASC , [ValueTypeId] ASC , [AggregateTypeId] ASC , [Date] ASC ); CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Date] ON [dbo].[Statistic] ([Date] ASC); CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_EntityId] ON [dbo].[Statistic] ([EntityId] ASC) INCLUDE ([Id]); CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_EntityType_Agg_Date] ON [dbo].[Statistic] ([EntityTypeId] ASC, [AggregateTypeId] ASC, [Date] ASC) INCLUDE ([Id], [EntityId], [ValueTypeId]); CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_Statistic_ValueTypeId] ON [dbo].[Statistic] ([ValueTypeId] ASC) INCLUDE ([Id]); CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_WeekDay] ON [dbo].[Statistic] ([AggregateTypeId] ASC, [WeekDay] ASC, [Date] ASC) INCLUDE ([Id]); ALTER TABLE [dbo].[Statistic] ADD CONSTRAINT [PK_Statistic] PRIMARY KEY NONCLUSTERED ([Id] ASC);
在使用合併更新期間,sql server 鎖定整個表而不是頁/行,
是作為參數傳遞的鍵/值數據表MERGE INTO Statistic AS stat USING (SELECT inTbl.EntityId, inTbl.Value FROM @p0 AS inTbl) AS src ON src.EntityId = stat.EntityId AND stat.EntityTypeId = @p1 AND stat.ValueTypeId = @p2 AND stat.Date IS NULL AND stat.AggregateTypeId = @p3 WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET stat.Value = src.value WHEN NOT MATCHED BY TARGET THEN INSERT (EntityTypeId, ValueTypeId, Date, AggregateTypeId, EntityId, Value) VALUES (@p4, @p5, @p6, @p7, src.entityId, src.value);
UPDATE [dbo].[Statistic] SET [Value] = @p0, [JsonData] = @p1 WHERE [EntityTypeId] = @p2 AND [ValueTypeId] = @p3 AND [Date] = @p4 AND [EntityId] = @p5 AND [AggregateTypeId] = @p6;
重建指數前:https ://
索引重建後:https ://
聚集索引在一天左右的時間內碎片化到 90+%。如何防止這種碎片化?
聚集索引在一天左右的時間內碎片化到 90+%。
clustered index
很48 bytes
長,這不是一個好的選擇,因為你的桌子足夠大,而且你還有 5 個nonclustered indexes
。它們都具有這些48 bytes
at everyindex level
clustered index key
,你clustered index
可以在 上定義identity
,它將是唯一的,總是增加,變窄,這將減少 yorclustered index fragmentation
欄位永遠不會更新,則為clustered index fragmentation
0。這也將減少您的時間:現在由於 insert into
花費了太多時間來記錄日誌。page slits``clustered index
lock escalation
. 正如您所說,每批在源表中包含 2000 行,但它們會導致插入 3402 行(根據estimated plan
),這僅適用於clustered index
. 您有 5nonclustered indexes
插入至少 6 * 2000 = 12000 行,或者如果估計正確,則可能插入所有 20412 行。
Lock escalation
:除了在超過實例範圍的門檻值時升級鎖之外,當任何單個會話在單個語句中獲得超過 5,000 個鎖時,SQL Server 還將升級鎖。在這種情況下,選擇哪個會話將升級其鎖沒有隨機性。它是獲取鎖的會話。
row locks
,這是因為您的聚集索引鍵是隨機的。可能需要page locks
插入始終增加的密鑰,但您clustered key
確實是隨機的。而且在任何情況下,插入非聚集索引也是隨機的,所以伺服器選擇row locks
.因此,您可以禁用表上的鎖升級或將批次拆分為每批次 1000 行甚至更少,這應該進行測試。
if object_id('dbo.t') is not null drop table dbo.t; create table dbo.t(id int identity primary key, col1 varchar(10), col2 varchar(10)); create index ix_col1 on dbo.t(col1); create index ix_col2 on dbo.t(col2); begin tran insert into dbo.t (col1, col2) select top 1000 'aaa', 'bbb' from sys.columns c1 cross join sys.columns c2; select * from sys.dm_tran_locks where resource_type <> 'DATABASE' and request_session_id = @@spid order by resource_associated_entity_id, resource_type; rollback tran;