我已經在這里和其他地方進行了一些研究以提出這個腳本,但我想知道是否有一些我可能會忽略的事情可能會導致性能次優或者我可能會遺漏一些重要的東西(我不知道. ..計算列或其他東西?)或者我做事的順序錯誤等等。
評論者幫助我意識到的循環是多餘的。Declare @schema varchar(128) = 'dbo'; Declare @sql nvarchar(max) = N''; -- 1. Indices -- Select a list of indexes in the schema and generate statements to disable them. Select @sql = @sql + 'ALTER INDEX ' + QuoteName(idx.name) + ' ON ' + QuoteName(@schema) + '.' + QuoteName(obj.name) + ' DISABLE;' + CHAR(13) From sys.indexes As idx Join sys.objects As obj On idx.object_id = obj.object_id Where ((obj.type = 'U' And idx.type in (2,6)) -- Non-clustered index/columnstore on a table Or obj.type = 'V') -- All indexes on indexed views And obj.schema_id = (Select schema_id From sys.schemas Where name = @schema) Order By obj.name, idx.name; Execute sp_executesql @sql; -- 2. Foreign-key constraints -- Build a list of foreign keys constraints in the schema and generate statements to disable the constraint checking. Select @sql = @sql + 'ALTER TABLE ' + QuoteName(@schema) + '.' + QuoteName(obj.name) + ' NOCHECK CONSTRAINT ' + QuoteName(fk.name) + ';' + CHAR(13) From sys.foreign_keys As fk Join sys.objects As obj On fk.parent_object_id = obj.object_id Where obj.schema_id = (Select schema_id From sys.schemas Where name = @schema); Execute sp_executesql @sql;
Declare @schema nvarchar(128) = 'dbo'; Declare @sql nvarchar(max) = N''; -- 1. Indices -- Build a list of tables in the schema and generate statements to enable the indices on them. Select @sql = @sql + 'ALTER INDEX ' + QuoteName(idx.name) + ' ON ' + QuoteName(@schema) + '.' + QuoteName(obj.name) + ' REBUILD' + iif(idx.type = 6, ' WITH (MAXDOP = 1);', ' WITH (FILLFACTOR = 100);') + CHAR(13) From sys.indexes idx Join sys.objects obj ON obj.object_id = idx.object_id Where ((obj.type = 'U' And idx.type in (2,6)) -- Non-clustered index on a table Or obj.type = 'V') -- All indexes on indexed views And obj.schema_id = (Select schema_id From sys.schemas Where name = @schema) And idx.is_disabled = 1 -- Don't rebuild indexes that are already online And idx.is_hypothetical = 0 -- Don't rebuild hypothetical indexes! Order By iif(idx.type = 6, 1, 2), obj.name, idx.name; Execute sp_executesql @sql; -- 2. Foreign-key constraints -- Build a list of foreign keys constraints in the schema and generate statements to enable them with checking. Select @sql = @sql + 'ALTER TABLE ' + QuoteName(@schema) + '.' + QuoteName(obj.name) + ' WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT ' + QuoteName(fk.name) + ';' + CHAR(13) From sys.foreign_keys fk Join sys.objects obj ON obj.object_id = fk.parent_object_id Where obj.schema_id = (Select schema_id From sys.schemas Where name = @schema) Order By obj.name, fk.name; Execute sp_executesql @sql; -- 3. Statistics -- Build a list of tables in the schema and generate statements to update the statistics on them. Select @sql = @sql + 'UPDATE STATISTICS ' + QuoteName(@schema) + '.' + QuoteName(obj.name) + ' WITH COLUMNS;' + CHAR(13) From sys.objects obj Where obj.type = 'U' -- User defined AND obj.schema_id = (Select schema_id From sys.schemas Where name = @schema) Order By obj.name; Execute sp_executesql @sql;
- 如果索引以禁用狀態開始,您將在腳本完成後重新建構它。
- 如果索引以頁面壓縮開始,您將在不壓縮的情況下重建它。
- 由於沒有其他程序正在訪問該表,因此您可以使用該選項進行重建,
以減少鎖定,從而可能提高性能。- 根據 tempdb 的大小和您的索引,您可以使用該
選項來提高性能。- 您正在更新所有表的統計資訊,即使該表尚未修改或更改的行數很少。您可以嘗試在更新中更加嚴格,並且只查看自上次更新或完全修改過的統計資訊以來修改過的表。
- 看起來您正在一個會話中執行所有這些查詢。您是否考慮過在多個會話之間拆分工作?