CTE 中的“select count(1)”性能
鑑於以下 CTE:
with seekResults as ( select DISTINCT trx_id_fk, account_FK, customer_cif, customer_tin, TIN_Type, ID_NUMBER , SEARCH_NUMBER FROM transactionsOP ) select trx_id_fk ,case when account_FK is not null then (select count(1) from seekResults a where a.account_fk = s.account_fk and a.SEARCH_NUMBER= s.SEARCH_NUMBER) when customer_cif is not null then (select count(1) from seekResults a where a.customer_cif = s.customer_cif and a.SEARCH_NUMBER= s.SEARCH_NUMBER) when customer_tin is not null then (select count(1) from seekResults a where a.customer_tin = s.customer_tin and a.TIN_Type = s.TIN_Type and a.SEARCH_NUM = s.SEARCH_NUM) when ID_NUMBER is not null then (select count(1) from seekResults a where a.ID_NUMBER = s.ID_NUMBER and a.SEARCH_NUMBER= s.SEARCH_NUMBER) else (select count(1) from seekResults a where a.SEARCH_NUMBER= s.SEARCH_NUMBER) end as 'transaction_period' from seekResults s ;
一遍又一遍地呼叫 CTE,主要是在select count(1) section
:select count(1) from seekResults a
with seekResults as ( select distinct trx_id_fk, account_fk customer_cif, customer_tin, tin_type, id_number, search_number from transactionsOP ) select trx_id_fk, case when account_fk is not null then count(*) over (partition by search_number, account_fk) when customer_cif is not null then count(*) over (partition by search_number, customer_cif) when customer_tin is not null then count(*) over (partition by search_number, customer_tin, tin_type) when id_number is not null then count(*) over (partition by search_number, id_number) else count(*) over (partition by search_number) end as transaction_period from seekResults ;
您可以嘗試更改它以添加一個具有 windows 功能的 CTE,然後從中選擇。
with seekResults as ( select DISTINCT trx_id_fk, account_FK, customer_cif, customer_tin, ID_NUMBER , SEARCH_NUMBER FROM transactionsOP ) , seekResults2 as ( select trx_id_fk, account_FK, customer_cif, customer_tin, ID_NUMBER , SEARCH_NUMBER, count(1) over (partition by account_fk ,SEARCH_NUMBER) as count1, count(1) over (partition by customer_cif ,SEARCH_NUMBER) as count2, count(1) over (partition by customer_tin , TIN_Type, SEARCH_NUMBER) as count3, count(1) over (partition by ID_NUMBER , SEARCH_NUMBER) as count4 from seekResults ) SELECT trx_id_fk ,case when account_FK is not null then count1 .... FROM seekResults2