我試圖顯示事件價格 = 0 的所有城市名稱及其事件計數
create table event (eventID decimal(12) not null primary key, AddressID decimal(12) not null, eventName varchar(255) not null, Description varchar(255) not null, eventPrice decimal(10,2) not null, eventDate date, foreign key (addressID) references address(addressID)); create table city ( cityID decimal(12) not null primary key, cityName varchar(30) not null); create table address ( addressID decimal(12) not null primary key, address varchar(100) not null, cityID decimal(12) not null, zipcode varchar(5) foreign key (cityID) references city(CityID) ); insert into address values (103, '310 East Kingsbridge Road',204,'10458'); insert into city values (200,'Manhattan'); insert into City values (201,'Brooklyn'); insert into City values (202,'Queens'); insert into City values (203,'Staten Island'); insert into City values (204,'Bronx'); insert into event values (3001,103,'Book Fair','Book fair is dedicated to engaging and growing the community of poets and writers',0,'2-may-2020');
select cityName, count (eventPrice) as numberOfFreeEvents from city join address on address.cityId = city.cityID left join event on event.addressID= address.addressID group by cityName, eventPrice having eventPrice = 0
cityName | numberOfFreeEvents Bronx | 1
cityName |numberOfFreeEvents Bronx 1 Manhattan 0 Staten Island 0 Queens 0 Brooklyn 0
您需要 FROM 子句中的 EventPrice 條件,因為它將過濾掉 WHERE 或 HAVING 中的行。
SELECT cityName, COUNT(eventPrice) AS numberOfFreeEvents FROM city JOIN address ON address.cityId = city.cityID LEFT JOIN event ON event.addressID = address.addressID AND eventPrice = 0 GROUP BY cityName, eventPrice