使用 PIVOT 轉換多行多列
MyID Customer relc_rate relc_consumption relc_daysofservice relc_unitmeasure relc_charge relc_chargedate ----- -------- --------- ---------------- ------------------ ---------------- ----------- --------------- 10016 112992 110W 753 31 KWH
並且幾乎在一行中重複了 RGAS、RWTR 等。是的,我知道如果我將所有服務類型合併到它自己的列中,這將是大約 50 列。
現在,我可以開始使用此 Pivot 查詢將服務編號輸入“類型”。但是,在那之後我陷入了困境,試圖弄清楚如何將每種服務類型以及費率等放入它自己的列中。
select * from ( SELECT [Premise] , [Premise Address] premise_address , [Customer] as customer_no , [Service Type] , [Service Number] FROM UTIL_MAY2019 ) premise_table pivot ( sum([Service number]) for [Service Type] in ([RELC], [RWTR], [RSWR], [RGAR], [STRM], [DELC], [SLCM], [CGAS], [CWTR], [CSWR], [CGAR]) ) piv_premise
這是用於測試的 DDL:
CREATE TABLE supercharge ( MyID int , customer int , Servicetype varchar(10) , servicerate varchar(10) , serviceNumber int , consumption int , daysofservice int , unitofmeasure varchar(10) , chargeAmount double , chargeDate datetime ) INSERT INTO supercharge (MyID, customer, Servicetype, servicerate, serviceNumber,consumption,daysofservice,unitofmeasure,chargeAmount, chargeDate) VALUES (10016, 112992, RELC, '110W', 100, 753, 31, 'KWH',99.92, '2019-05-08'), (10016, 112992, RGAS, '120', 200, 0, 31, 'CCF',5.31, '2019-05-08'), (10016, 112992, RWTR, '130', 300, 3, 31, 'TGAL',11.85, '2019-05-08'), (10016, 112992, RSWR, '388', 400, 3, 31, 'NONE',10.12, '2019-05-08'), (10016, 112992, RGAR, '', 500, null, null, '',32.12, '2019-05-08'), (10016, 112992, STRM, '', 700, null, null, '',2.38, '2019-05-08'), (10016, 112992, '', 'LATE', null, null, null, '',15, '2019-05-13'), (10016, 112992, '', 'CUTO', null, null, null, '',30, '2019-05-08');
表中選擇(注意關於 unpivot 原始數據的註釋)。它按分組MyId
)。--demo setup DROP TABLE IF EXISTS supercharge GO CREATE TABLE supercharge ( MyID int , customer int , Servicetype varchar(10) , servicerate varchar(10) , serviceNumber int , consumption int , daysofservice int , unitofmeasure varchar(10) , chargeAmount decimal(11,2) , chargeDate datetime ) INSERT INTO supercharge (MyID, customer, Servicetype, servicerate, serviceNumber,consumption,daysofservice,unitofmeasure,chargeAmount, chargeDate) VALUES (10016, 112992, 'RELC', '110W', 100, 753, 31, 'KWH',99.92, '2019-05-08'), (10016, 112992, 'RGAS', '120', 200, 0, 31, 'CCF',5.31, '2019-05-08'), (10016, 112992, 'RWTR', '130', 300, 3, 31, 'TGAL',11.85, '2019-05-08'), (10016, 112992, 'RSWR', '388', 400, 3, 31, 'NONE',10.12, '2019-05-08'), (10016, 112992, 'RGAR', '', 500, null, null, '',32.12, '2019-05-08'), (10016, 112992, 'STRM', '', 700, null, null, '',2.38, '2019-05-08'), (10016, 112992, '', 'LATE', null, null, null, '',15, '2019-05-13'), (10016, 112992, '', 'CUTO', null, null, null, '',30, '2019-05-08'); --solution SELECT MyID ,customer --RELC columns ,max(CASE WHEN Servicetype = 'RELC' AND col = 'rate' THEN value END) AS Relc_Rate ,max(CASE WHEN Servicetype = 'RELC' AND col = 'consumption' THEN value END) AS Relc_Consumption ,max(CASE WHEN Servicetype = 'RELC' AND col = 'daysofservice' THEN value END) AS Relc_DaysOfService ,max(CASE WHEN Servicetype = 'RELC' AND col = 'unitofmeasure' THEN value END) AS Relc_UnitOfMeasure ,max(CASE WHEN Servicetype = 'RELC' AND col = 'chargeamount' THEN value END) AS Relc_Charge ,max(CASE WHEN Servicetype = 'RELC' AND col = 'chargedate' THEN value END) AS Relc_ChargeDate --RGAS columns ,max(CASE WHEN Servicetype = 'RGAS' AND col = 'rate' THEN value END) AS Rgas_Rate ,max(CASE WHEN Servicetype = 'RGAS' AND col = 'consumption' THEN value END) AS Rgas_Consumption ,max(CASE WHEN Servicetype = 'RGAS' AND col = 'daysofservice' THEN value END) AS Rgas_DaysOfService ,max(CASE WHEN Servicetype = 'RGAS' AND col = 'unitofmeasure' THEN value END) AS Rgas_UnitOfMeasure ,max(CASE WHEN Servicetype = 'RGAS' AND col = 'chargeamount' THEN value END) AS Rgas_Charge ,max(CASE WHEN Servicetype = 'RGAS' AND col = 'chargedate' THEN value END) AS Rgas_ChargeDate FROM --unpivot original data ( select MyID,customer,Servicetype, col, value from supercharge cross apply ( select 'rate', cast(servicerate as varchar(10)) union all select 'consumption', cast(consumption as varchar(10)) union all select 'daysofservice', cast(daysofservice as varchar(10)) union all select 'unitofmeasure', cast(unitofmeasure as varchar(10)) union all select 'chargeamount', cast(chargeAmount as varchar(10)) union all select 'chargeDate', convert(varchar(10), chargeDate,121) ) c(col, value) ) d GROUP BY MyID ,customer;
| MyID | customer | Relc_Rate | Relc_Consumption | Relc_DaysOfService | Relc_UnitOfMeasure | Relc_Charge | Relc_ChargeDate | Rgas_Rate | Rgas_Consumption | Rgas_DaysOfService | Rgas_UnitOfMeasure | Rgas_Charge | Rgas_ChargeDate | |-------|----------|-----------|------------------|--------------------|--------------------|-------------|-----------------|-----------|------------------|--------------------|--------------------|-------------|-----------------| | 10016 | 112992 | 110W | 753 | 31 | KWH | 99.92 | 2019-05-08 | 120 | 0 | 31 | CCF | 5.31 | 2019-05-08 |