為什麼我的 EXISTS 查詢執行索引掃描而不是索引查找?
SET STATISTICS IO ON; DECLARE @OrderStartDate DATETIME2 = '27 feb 2016'; DECLARE @OrderEndDate DATETIME2 = '28 feb 2016'; SELECT o.strBxOrderNo , o.sintOrderStatusID , o.sintOrderChannelID , o.sintOrderTypeID , o.sdtmOrdCreated , o.sintMarketID , o.strOrderKey , o.strOfferCode , o.strCurrencyCode , o.decBCShipFullPrice , o.decBCShipFinal , o.decBCShipTax , o.decBCTotalAmount , o.decWrittenTotalAmount , o.decBCWrittenTotalAmount , o.decBCShipOfferDisc , o.decBCShipOverride , o.decTotalAmount , o.decShipTax , o.decShipFinal , o.decShipOverride , o.decShipOfferDisc , o.decShipFullPrice , o.lngAccountParticipantID , CONVERT(DATE, o.sdtmOrdCreated, 120) as OrderCreatedDateConverted FROM tablebackups.dbo.tblBOrder o WHERE o.sdtmOrdCreated >= @OrderStartDate AND o.sdtmOrdCreated < @OrderEndDate AND EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM tablebackups.dbo.tblBOrderItem oi WHERE oi.strBxOrderNo = o.strBxOrderNo AND oi.decCatItemPrice > 0 ) OPTION (RECOMPILE);
-- table dbo.tblBorderItem CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX IX_tblBOrderItem_decCatItemPrice_INCL ON dbo.tblBorderItem ( strBxOrderNo ASC , sintOrderSeqNo ASC , decCatItemPrice ) INCLUDE ( blnChargeShipping , decBCCatItemPrice , decBCCostPrice , decBCFinalPrice , decBCOfferDiscount , decBCOverrideDiscount , decBCTaxAmount , decCostPrice , decFinalPrice , decOfferDiscount , decOverrideDiscount , decTaxAmount , decWasPrice , dtmOrdItemCreated , sintOrderItemStatusId , sintOrderItemType , sintQuantity , strItemNo ) WHERE decCatItemPrice > 0 WITH (DROP_EXISTING = ON, FILLFACTOR = 95);
特別是對於這個查詢,我只想檢查 (EXISTS) 訂單是否有任何商品 where
decCatItemPrice > 0
.SQL Server 正在執行索引掃描,如下圖所示。
- 統計數據剛剛更新。
- 項目表在測試中有 41,208 行。
該項目表有 164,309,397 條正在使用中。我想避免在那裡進行掃描。
為什麼 SQL Server 不進行索引查找?
(4537 row(s) affected) Table 'tblBorder'. Scan count 1, logical reads 116, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0. Table 'tblBorderItem'. Scan count 1, logical reads 689, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0. (1 row(s) affected)
IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[tblBorderItem]') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE [dbo].[tblBorderItem] GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblBorderItem] ( [strBxOrderNo] VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, [sintOrderSeqNo] SMALLINT NOT NULL, [sintOrderItemStatusId] SMALLINT NOT NULL, [sintNameStructureID] SMALLINT NOT NULL, [strItemNo] VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, [sintQuantity] SMALLINT NOT NULL, [strCurrencyCode] VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL, [decCostPrice] DECIMAL(18,4) NOT NULL, [decCatItemPrice] DECIMAL(18,2) NOT NULL, [decOfferDiscount] DECIMAL(18,2) NOT NULL, [decOverrideDiscount] DECIMAL(18,2) NOT NULL, [decFinalPrice] DECIMAL(18,2) NOT NULL, [decTaxAmount] DECIMAL(18,2) NOT NULL, [strBCCurrencyCode] VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL, [decBCCostPrice] DECIMAL(18,4) NOT NULL, [decBCCatItemPrice] DECIMAL(18,4) NOT NULL, [decBCOfferDiscount] DECIMAL(18,4) NOT NULL, [decBCOverrideDiscount] DECIMAL(18,4) NOT NULL, [decBCFinalPrice] DECIMAL(18,4) NOT NULL, [decBCTaxAmount] DECIMAL(18,4) NOT NULL, [dtmOrdItemCreated] DATETIME NOT NULL, [blnChargeShipping] BIT NOT NULL, [lngTimeOfOrderQtyOnHand] INT NULL, [sdtmTimeOfOrderDueDate] SMALLDATETIME NULL, [lngProdSetSeqNo] INT NULL, [lngProdRelationId] INT NULL, [lngProdRelationMemberId] INT NULL, [decWasPrice] DECIMAL(18,2) NULL, [sintOrderItemType] SMALLINT NULL, [tsRowVersion] TIMESTAMP NULL, [sdtmOrderItemStatusUpdated] SMALLDATETIME NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_tblBOrderItem] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([strBxOrderNo] asc, [sintOrderSeqNo] asc) WITH FILLFACTOR = 100) GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_tblBOrderItem__dtmOrdItemCreated] ON [dbo].[tblBorderItem] ([dtmOrdItemCreated] asc) WITH FILLFACTOR = 100 CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_tblBOrderItem__sintOrderItemStatusId] ON [dbo].[tblBorderItem] ([sintOrderItemStatusId] asc) INCLUDE ([sdtmOrderItemStatusUpdated], [sintOrderSeqNo], [strBxOrderNo], [strItemNo]) WITH FILLFACTOR = 100 CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_tblBOrderItem__ sintOrderItemStatusId_decFinalPrice_ sdtmOrderItemStatusUpdated_ include_strBxOrderNo] ON [dbo].[tblBorderItem] ([sintOrderItemStatusId] asc, [decFinalPrice] asc, [sdtmOrderItemStatusUpdated] asc) INCLUDE ([strBxOrderNo]) WITH FILLFACTOR = 100 CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_tblBOrderItem__strBxOrderNo] ON [dbo].[tblBorderItem] ([strBxOrderNo] asc) WITH FILLFACTOR = 100 CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_tblBOrderItem__strItemNo] ON [dbo].[tblBorderItem] ([strItemNo] asc) WITH FILLFACTOR = 100 CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_tblBOrderItem_decCatItemPrice_INCL] ON [dbo].[tblBorderItem] ([strBxOrderNo] asc, [sintOrderSeqNo] asc, [decCatItemPrice] asc) INCLUDE ([blnChargeShipping], [decBCCatItemPrice], [decBCCostPrice], [decBCFinalPrice], [decBCOfferDiscount], [decBCOverrideDiscount], [decBCTaxAmount], [decCostPrice], [decFinalPrice], [decOfferDiscount], [decOverrideDiscount], [decTaxAmount], [decWasPrice], [dtmOrdItemCreated], [sintOrderItemStatusId], [sintOrderItemType], [sintQuantity], [strItemNo]) WHERE ([decCatItemPrice]>(0)) WITH FILLFACTOR = 95
IF OBJECT_ID('[dbo].[tblBorder]') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE [dbo].[tblBorder] GO CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tblBorder] ( [strBxOrderNo] VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, [uidOrderUniqueID] UNIQUEIDENTIFIER NOT NULL, [sintOrderStatusID] SMALLINT NOT NULL, [sintOrderChannelID] SMALLINT NOT NULL, [sintOrderTypeID] SMALLINT NOT NULL, [blnIsBasket] BIT NOT NULL, [sdtmOrdCreated] SMALLDATETIME NOT NULL, [sintMarketID] SMALLINT NOT NULL, [strOrderKey] VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, [strOfferCode] VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, [lngShippedToParticipantID] INT NOT NULL, [lngOrderedByParticipantID] INT NOT NULL, [lngShipToAddressID] INT NOT NULL, [lngAccountAddressID] INT NOT NULL, [lngAccountParticipantID] INT NOT NULL, [lngOrderedByAddressID] INT NOT NULL, [lngOrderTakenBy] INT NOT NULL, [strCurrencyCode] VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL, [decShipFullPrice] DECIMAL(18,2) NOT NULL, [decShipOfferDisc] DECIMAL(18,2) NOT NULL, [decShipOverride] DECIMAL(18,2) NOT NULL, [decShipFinal] DECIMAL(18,2) NOT NULL, [decShipTax] DECIMAL(18,2) NOT NULL, [strBCCurrencyCode] VARCHAR(3) NOT NULL, [decBCShipFullPrice] DECIMAL(18,4) NOT NULL, [decBCShipOfferDisc] DECIMAL(18,4) NOT NULL, [decBCShipOverride] DECIMAL(18,4) NOT NULL, [decBCShipFinal] DECIMAL(18,4) NOT NULL, [decBCShipTax] DECIMAL(18,4) NOT NULL, [decTotalAmount] DECIMAL(18,2) NOT NULL, [decBCTotalAmount] DECIMAL(18,4) NOT NULL, [decWrittenTotalAmount] DECIMAL(18,2) NULL, [decBCWrittenTotalAmount] DECIMAL(18,4) NULL, [blnProRataShipping] BIT NOT NULL, [blnChargeWithFirstShipment] BIT NOT NULL, [sintShippingServiceLevelID] SMALLINT NOT NULL, [sintShippingMethodID] SMALLINT NOT NULL, [sdtmDoNotShipUntil] SMALLDATETIME NULL, [blnHoldUntilComplete] BIT NOT NULL, [tsRowVersion] TIMESTAMP NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_tblBOrder] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([strBxOrderNo] asc) WITH FILLFACTOR = 100) GO CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_tblBOrder__lngAccountAddressID] ON [dbo].[tblBorder] ([lngAccountAddressID] asc, [sintOrderStatusID] asc) WITH FILLFACTOR = 100 CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_tblBOrder__lngAccountParticipantID] ON [dbo].[tblBorder] ([lngAccountParticipantID] asc) WITH FILLFACTOR = 100 CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_tblBOrder__lngOrderedByAddressID] ON [dbo].[tblBorder] ([lngOrderedByAddressID] asc, [sintOrderStatusID] asc) WITH FILLFACTOR = 100 CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_tblBOrder__lngOrderedByParticipantID] ON [dbo].[tblBorder] ([lngOrderedByParticipantID] asc) WITH FILLFACTOR = 100 CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_tblBOrder__lngShippedToParticipantID] ON [dbo].[tblBorder] ([lngShippedToParticipantID] asc) WITH FILLFACTOR = 100 CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_tblBOrder__lngShipToAddressID] ON [dbo].[tblBorder] ([lngShipToAddressID] asc, [sintOrderStatusID] asc) WITH FILLFACTOR = 100 CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_tblBOrder__sdtmOrdCreated_sintMarketID__include_strBxOrderNo] ON [dbo].[tblBorder] ([sdtmOrdCreated] asc, [sintMarketID] asc) INCLUDE ([strBxOrderNo]) WITH FILLFACTOR = 100 CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_tblBOrder_sdtmOrdCreated_INCL] ON [dbo].[tblBorder] ([sdtmOrdCreated] asc) INCLUDE ([decBCShipFinal], [decBCShipFullPrice], [decBCShipOfferDisc], [decBCShipOverride], [decBCShipTax], [decBCTotalAmount], [decBCWrittenTotalAmount], [decShipFinal], [decShipFullPrice], [decShipOfferDisc], [decShipOverride], [decShipTax], [decTotalAmount], [decWrittenTotalAmount], [lngAccountParticipantID], [lngOrderedByParticipantID], [sintMarketID], [sintOrderChannelID], [sintOrderStatusID], [sintOrderTypeID], [strBxOrderNo], [strCurrencyCode], [strOfferCode], [strOrderKey]) WITH FILLFACTOR = 100 CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_tblBOrder_sintMarketID_sdtmOrdCreated] ON [dbo].[tblBorder] ([sintMarketID] asc, [sdtmOrdCreated] asc) INCLUDE ([sintOrderChannelID], [strBxOrderNo]) WITH FILLFACTOR = 100 CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_tblBOrder__sintOrderChannelID_sdtmOrdCreated_INCL] ON [dbo].[tblBorder] ([sintOrderChannelID] asc, [sdtmOrdCreated] asc) INCLUDE ([decBCShipFinal], [decBCShipFullPrice], [decBCShipTax], [decShipFinal], [decShipFullPrice], [decShipTax], [lngAccountParticipantID], [sintMarketID], [sintOrderTypeID], [strBxOrderNo], [strCurrencyCode], [strOrderKey]) WITH FILLFACTOR = 100 CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_tblBOrder_strBxOrderNo_sdtmOrdCreated_incl] ON [dbo].[tblBorder] ([strBxOrderNo] asc, [sdtmOrdCreated] asc) INCLUDE ([sintOrderChannelID], [sintOrderTypeID], [sintMarketID], [strOrderKey], [lngAccountParticipantID], [strCurrencyCode], [decShipFullPrice], [decShipFinal], [decShipTax], [decBCShipFullPrice], [decBCShipFinal], [decBCShipTax])
我在 LIVE 系統上應用了我的索引,並更新了我的儲存過程以使用 SMALLDATETIME,以便為所涉及的列匹配數據庫中的數據類型。
我通過發布的 3 個答案了解到。感謝Max Vernon、Paul White和Daniel Hutmacher的回答。
DECLARE @OrderStartDate datetime2 = '27 feb 2016'; DECLARE @OrderEndDate datetime2 = '28 feb 2016';
類型不兼容使得優化器很難通過類型轉換來計算結果基數估計,如執行計劃 xml 所示:
<ScalarOperator ScalarString="GetRangeWithMismatchedTypes([@OrderStartDate],NULL,(22))"> <ScalarOperator ScalarString="GetRangeWithMismatchedTypes(NULL,[@OrderEndDate],(10))">
DECLARE @OrderStartDate smalldatetime = CONVERT(smalldatetime, '20160227', 112); DECLARE @OrderEndDate smalldatetime = CONVERT(smalldatetime, '20160228', 112);
有關動態搜尋的更多詳細資訊,請參閱我的 SQLblog.com 文章“動態搜尋和隱藏的隱式轉換”。