SSRS 2016 - 更改所有報告中的連接字元串
我們已從 SSRS 2012 遷移到 SSRS 2016,並將其移至新域。
使用下面的程式碼,我們可以列出所有數據源及其連接字元串。我們如何使用 PowerShell 或 T-SQL 更改近 700 個報表的連接字元串?(以便指向新的數據倉庫伺服器)
WITH XMLNAMESPACES -- XML namespace def must be the first in with clause. (DEFAULT '' ,'' AS rd) ,SDS AS (SELECT AS SharedDsName ,SDS.[Path] ,CONVERT(xml, CONVERT(varbinary(max), content)) AS DEF FROM dbo.[Catalog] AS SDS WHERE SDS.Type = 5) -- 5 = Shared Datasource SELECT CON.[Path] ,CON.SharedDsName ,CON.ConnString FROM (SELECT SDS.[Path] ,SDS.SharedDsName ,DSN.value('ConnectString[1]', 'varchar(150)') AS ConnString FROM SDS CROSS APPLY SDS.DEF.nodes('/DataSourceDefinition') AS R(DSN) ) AS CON -- Optional filter: -- WHERE CON.ConnString LIKE '%Initial Catalog%=%TFS%' ORDER BY CON.[Path] ,CON.SharedDsName;
replace value of
XML DML 命令來修改儲存在連接字元串中的值。我在下面為您整理了一個範例作為指導,但請注意,它未經測試,因為我目前無法訪問報表伺服器,它至少應該為您指明正確的方向:WITH XMLNAMESPACES -- XML namespace def must be the first in with clause. (DEFAULT '' ,'' AS rd) ,SDS AS (SELECT AS SharedDsName ,SDS.[Path] ,CONVERT(xml, CONVERT(varbinary(max), content)) AS DEF FROM dbo.[Catalog] AS SDS WHERE SDS.Type = 5) -- 5 = Shared Datasource SELECT [SharedDsName], [Path], [DEF] INTO #catalog FROM SDS; UPDATE #catalog SET DEF.modify (' declare namespace rds=""; declare namespace rd=""; replace value of (/rds:DataSourceDefinition/rds:ConnectString/text())[1] with "new connection string" '); UPDATE a SET a.[Content] = CONVERT(image, CONVERT(varbinary(max), b.[DEF])) FROM dbo.Catalog AS a JOIN #catalog AS b ON a.[Name] = b.[SharedDsName] AND a.[Path] = b.[Path]; DROP TABLE #catalog;
replace value of
可以在Microsoft Docs中找到有關該命令的更多資訊。