我有一個錯誤消息表,其中將插入錯誤。我還有一個表定義錯誤之間的互動。例如,當發生“Power Restored”錯誤時,它會清除任何先前的“Power Lost”錯誤。(“錯誤”被鬆散地用於描述任何可列舉的診斷消息。)
BEGIN -- Declare local variables DECLARE done BIT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE target SMALLINT(5) UNSIGNED DEFAULT '0'; DECLARE `action` ENUM('Clear','Raise','SetSeverity'); DECLARE severity TINYINT(3) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL; DECLARE timespan INT(11) DEFAULT NULL; DECLARE cutoff TIMESTAMP; -- Declare the cursor DECLARE interactions CURSOR FOR SELECT TargetErrNo, errorinteraction.`Action`, errorinteraction.Severity, errorinteraction.TimeSpan FROM errorinteraction WHERE ActorErrNo=NEW.Number ORDER BY Priority DESC; -- Declare continue handler DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR SQLSTATE '02000' SET done=1; CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS interactionrecord (`datediff` INT); TRUNCATE TABLE interactionrecord; -- Open the cursor OPEN interactions; -- Loop through all rows REPEAT -- Get FETCH interactions INTO target, `action`, severity, timespan; IF NOT done THEN -- Process IF timespan IS NULL THEN IF `action`='Clear' THEN UPDATE error SET Cleared=NOW(), UpdatedBy=NEW.Id WHERE Number=target AND Cleared IS NULL; ELSEIF `action`='Raise' THEN UPDATE error SET Cleared=NULL, UpdatedBy=NEW.Id WHERE Number=target AND Cleared IS NOT NULL; ELSEIF `action`='SetSeverity' AND severity IS NOT NULL THEN UPDATE error SET error.Severity=severity, UpdatedBy=NEW.Id WHERE Number=target AND error.Severity!=severity; END IF; ELSE SET cutoff=DATE_SUB(NEW.Reported, INTERVAL timespan SECOND); IF `action`='Clear' THEN UPDATE error SET Cleared=NOW(), UpdatedBy=NEW.Id WHERE Number=target AND Cleared IS NULL AND error.Reported>=cutoff; ELSEIF `action`='Raise' THEN UPDATE error SET Cleared=NULL, UpdatedBy=NEW.Id WHERE Number=target AND Cleared IS NOT NULL AND error.Reported>=cutoff; ELSEIF `action`='SetSeverity' AND severity IS NOT NULL THEN UPDATE error SET error.Severity=severity, UpdatedBy=NEW.Id WHERE Number=target AND error.Severity!=severity AND error.Reported>=cutoff; END IF; END IF; END IF; -- End of loop UNTIL done END REPEAT; -- Close the cursor CLOSE interactions; END
.但是當我嘗試插入一個觸發器來自動呼叫它時,MySQL 開始向我拋出錯誤 1422。我已經嘗試了這兩種
FOR EACH ROW CALL updateerror(NEW.Id);
列替換了一些變數。我是否應該簡單地將其保留為儲存過程並假設使用者有責任呼叫它?有一個更好的方法嗎?我的確切 MySQL 版本是 5.5.25。
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS interactionrecord (`datediff` INT); TRUNCATE TABLE interactionrecord;