
GROUP BY 組內行欄位不同的多個條件

  • June 14, 2020



All users (1) that have a game (2) with their items count (3) and items price (4) are to be retrieved by a query 
=> Display the username, game name, items count and items price. 

我已經正確地進行了必要的 JOIN。我不會用模式和特定的表及其相應的元組來打擾您。相反,請在上述“raw-dataset-JOIN”查詢的第一個結果下方找到。我請求您的幫助,因為我很感興趣如何按使用者名和名稱對結果進行分組,僅顯示“使用者名+名稱”多次出現的單行。我似乎無法得到它,因為項目在重複的“使用者名+名稱”事件中有所不同,對於 MS SQL Server,顯然數據不完全相同,因此可以正確“分組”?

是否應該通過使用 VIEW 或子查詢來獲得結果?

請協助 - 感謝您的幫助!

SELECT Users.[Username], Games.[Name], COUNT(Items.[Name]), Items.Price FROM UsersGames
ON Games.[Id] = UsersGames.GameId
JOIN UserGameItems
ON UserGameItems.UserGameId = UsersGames.[Id]
JOIN Items 
ON Items.[Id] = UserGameItems.[ItemId] 
JOIN Users
ON Users.Id = UsersGames.UserId
GROUP BY Users.[Username], Games.[Name], Items.Price
Username                                           Name                                               Count       Item Name                                          Item Price
-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
admincuttle                                        Flax New Zealand                                   1           Cosmic Strand                                      243,00
admincuttle                                        Flax New Zealand                                   1           Griswolds Masterpiece                              342,00
admincuttle                                        Flax New Zealand                                   1           Simplicitys Strength                               29,00
admincuttle                                        Flax New Zealand                                   1           Staff of Herding                                   42,00
admincuttle                                        Flax New Zealand                                   1           Wall of Bone                                       537,00
admincuttle                                        Florence                                           1           Esoteric Alteration                                675,00
admincuttle                                        Florence                                           1           Eye of Peshkov                                     772,00
admincuttle                                        Florence                                           1           Hierophants Seal                                   146,00
admincuttle                                        Florence                                           1           Starfire                                           423,00
admincuttle                                        Freesia                                            1           Blessed of Haull                                   318,00
admincuttle                                        Freesia                                            1           Hellfire Ring (Dexterity)                          29,00
admincuttle                                        Freesia                                            1           Razor Strop                                        396,00
admincuttle                                        Moon orchid                                        1           Blackfeather                                       442,00
admincuttle                                        Moon orchid                                        1           Chanon Bolter                                      272,00
admincuttle                                        Moon orchid                                        1           Cloaks                                             249,00
admincuttle                                        Moon orchid                                        1           Demon Hand                                         609,00
admincuttle                                        Moon orchid                                        1           Gesture of Orpheus                                 365,00
admincuttle                                        Moon orchid                                        1           Mad Monarchs Scepter                               370,00
admincuttle                                        Moon orchid                                        1           Shattered Core                                     180,00
admincuttle                                        Moon orchid                                        1           Silver Star Piercers                               265,00
admincuttle                                        Moon orchid                                        1           The Horadric Hamburger                             762,00
admincuttle                                        Moon orchid                                        1           Tiklandian Visage                                  665,00
admincuttle                                        Moon orchid                                        1           Two-Handed Flails                                  583,00
admincuttle                                        Paris                                              1           Adventurers Journal                                720,00
admincuttle                                        Paris                                              1           Blessed of Haull                                   318,00
admincuttle                                        Paris                                              1           Blitzbolter                                        18,00
admincuttle                                        Paris                                              1           Dawn                                               96,00
admincuttle                                        Paris                                              1           Greater Rift Keystone                              396,00
admincuttle                                        Paris                                              1           Ramaladnis Gift                                    326,00
admincuttle                                        Paris                                              1           Sunder                                             668,00
admincuttle                                        Paris                                              1           Tyraels Might (Diablo III)                         607,00
admincuttle                                        Paris                                              1           Wizard Hats                                        121,00
advisersspry                                       Ablajeck                                           1           Alabaster Gloves                                   65,00
advisersspry                                       Ablajeck                                           1           Bombardiers Rucksack                               582,00
advisersspry                                       Ablajeck                                           1           Calamity                                           68,00
advisersspry                                       Ablajeck                                           1           Deaths Bargain                                     354,00
advisersspry                                       Ablajeck                                           1           Denial                                             164,00
advisersspry                                       Ablajeck                                           1           Gloves                                             103,00
advisersspry                                       Ablajeck                                           1           Rozpedins Force                                    690,00
advisersspry                                       Ablajeck                                           1           Thing of the Deep                                  799,00
advisersspry                                       Ablajeck                                           1           Warmonger                                          773,00
advisersspry                                       Allied Tion                                        1           Ahavarion, Spear of Lycander                       313,00
advisersspry                                       Allied Tion                                        1           Bottomless Potion of the Diamond                   615,00
advisersspry                                       Allied Tion                                        1           Broken Crown                                       237,00
advisersspry                                       Allied Tion                                        1           Devil Tongue                                       584,00
advisersspry                                       Allied Tion                                        1           Maces                                              760,00
advisersspry                                       Allied Tion                                        1           Maloths Focus                                      743,00
advisersspry                                       Allied Tion                                        1           Two-Handed Mighty Weapons                          283,00
advisersspry                                       Allied Tion                                        1           Wands                                              16,00
advisersspry                                       Heather                                            1           Flying Dragon                                      621,00
advisersspry                                       Heather                                            1           Giant Skull (Diablo III)                           2,00
advisersspry                                       Heather                                            1           Nailbiter                                          123,00
advisersspry                                       Heather                                            1           Robes of the Rydraelm                              208,00
advisersspry                                       Heather                                            1           Steady Strikers                                    581,00
advisersspry                                       Heather                                            1           Telrandens Hand                                    303,00
advisersspry                                       Heather                                            1           Warmonger                                          773,00
advisersspry                                       Heather                                            1           Wizard Hats                                        121,00
advisersspry                                       Heather                                            1           Wondrous Deflectors                                137,00
advisersspry                                       Rose Bridal White                                  1           Buriza-Do Kyanon (Diablo III)                      713,00
advisersspry                                       Rose Bridal White                                  1           Goldskin (Diablo III)                              449,00
advisersspry                                       Rose Bridal White                                  1           Haunting Girdle                                    618,00
advisersspry                                       Rose Bridal White                                  1           Helms                                              219,00
advisersspry                                       Rose Bridal White                                  1           The Furnace                                        223,00
advisersspry                                       Rose Bridal White                                  1           Valtheks Rebuke                                    573,00
advisersspry                                       Rose Bridal White                                  1           Warstaff of General Quang                          490,00
advisersspry                                       Rose Bridal White                                  1           Ziggurat Tooth                                     788,00
Alex                                               Edinburgh                                          1           Akanesh, the Herald of Righteousness               586,00
Alex                                               Edinburgh                                          1           Band of Hollow Whispers                            405,00
Alex                                               Edinburgh                                          1           Drakons Lesson                                     341,00
Alex                                               Edinburgh                                          1           Nailbiter                                          123,00
Alex                                               Edinburgh                                          1           Robes of the Rydraelm                              208,00
Alex                                               Edinburgh                                          1           Skull of Resonance                                 45,00
Alex                                               Edinburgh                                          1           Vile Ward                                          516,00
Alex                                               Edinburgh                                          1           Voodoo Masks                                       117,00
Alex                                               Flax New Zealand                                   1           Akarats Awakening                                  80,00
Alex                                               Flax New Zealand                                   1           Board Walkers                                      477,00
Alex                                               Flax New Zealand                                   1           Boon of the Hoarder                                208,00
Alex                                               Flax New Zealand                                   1           Bows                                               364,00
Alex                                               Flax New Zealand                                   1           Maras Kaleidoscope (Diablo III)                    791,00
Alex                                               Flax New Zealand                                   1           Ring of Royal Grandeur                             554,00
Alex                                               Flax New Zealand                                   1           Spite                                              80,00
Alex                                               Flax New Zealand                                   1           The Swami                                          211,00
Alex                                               Flax New Zealand                                   1           White Oak Splinter                                 36,00
Alex                                               Madrid                                             1           Eternal Union                                      47,00
Alex                                               Madrid                                             1           Homunculus (Diablo III)                            517,00
Alex                                               Madrid                                             1           Madstone                                           795,00
Alex                                               Madrid                                             1           Shields                                            380,00
Alex                                               Madrid                                             1           Thing of the Deep                                  799,00
Alex                                               Pink Mink                                          1           Alabaster Gloves                                   65,00
Alex                                               Pink Mink                                          1           Bezoar Stone                                       510,00
Alex                                               Pink Mink                                          1           Key of Bones                                       452,00
Alex                                               Pink Mink                                          1           Moratorium                                         658,00
Alex                                               Pink Mink                                          1           Sky Splitter                                       14,00
Alex                                               Singapore                                          1           Rydraelm Tome                                      625,00
Alex                                               Singapore                                          1           Shields                                            380,00
Alex                                               Singapore                                          1           The Three Hundredth Spear                          732,00
Alex                                               Singapore                                          1           Two-Handed Flails                                  583,00
baleremuda                                         Alderaan                                           1           Bane of the Stricken                               445,00
baleremuda                                         Alderaan                                           1           Blood-Magic Blade                                  529,00
baleremuda                                         Alderaan                                           1           Drakons Lesson                                     341,00
baleremuda                                         Alderaan                                           1           Essence of the Twin Seas                           468,00
baleremuda                                         Alderaan                                           1           Hilt of the Silver Wolf                            26,00
baleremuda                                         Alderaan                                           1           Incense Torch of the Grand Temple                  533,00
baleremuda                                         Alderaan                                           1           Pig Sticker                                        189,00
baleremuda                                         Alderaan                                           1           Rabid Strike                                       231,00
baleremuda                                         Alderaan                                           1           The Inquisitor                                     590,00
baleremuda                                         Alderaan                                           1           Visage of Giyua                                    167,00
baleremuda                                         Bali                                               1           Mojos                                              604,00
baleremuda                                         Bali                                               1           Ramaladnis Gift                                    326,00
baleremuda                                         Bali                                               1           Rings                                              673,00
baleremuda                                         Bali                                               1           The Grin Reaper                                    375,00
baleremuda                                         Foxtail fern                                       1           Echoing Fury                                       354,00
baleremuda                                         Foxtail fern                                       1           Legendary Gems                                     244,00
baleremuda                                         Foxtail fern                                       1           List of Legendary Items                            67,00
baleremuda                                         Foxtail fern                                       1           Prides Fall                                        465,00
baleremuda                                         Foxtail fern                                       1           Sacred Harvester                                   678,00
baleremuda                                         Foxtail fern                                       1           The Spider Queen’s Grasp                           326,00
baleremuda                                         Kiev                                               1           Bottomless Potion of Amplification                 90,00
baleremuda                                         Kiev                                               1           Emimeis Duffel                                     375,00
baleremuda                                         Kiev                                               1           Erlang Shen                                        105,00
baleremuda                                         Kiev                                               1           Fire Brand                                         235,00
baleremuda                                         Kiev                                               1           Manticore                                          243,00
baleremuda                                         Kiev                                               1           Spirit Guards                                      775,00
baleremuda                                         São Paulo                                          1           Cindercoat                                         326,00
baleremuda                                         São Paulo                                          1           Esoteric Alteration                                675,00
baleremuda                                         São Paulo                                          1           Oculus Ring                                        799,00
baleremuda                                         São Paulo                                          1           Serpents Sparker                                   354,00
baleremuda                                         São Paulo                                          1           The Grand Vizier                                   298,00
baroquegainful                                     Kuala Lumpur                                       1           Cloaks                                             249,00
baroquegainful                                     Kuala Lumpur                                       1           Gift of Silaria                                    527,00
baroquegainful                                     Kuala Lumpur                                       1           Mad Monarchs Scepter                               370,00
baroquegainful                                     Kuala Lumpur                                       1           Pauldrons of the Skeleton King                     183,00
baroquegainful                                     Kuala Lumpur                                       1           String of Ears (Diablo III)                        113,00
baroquegainful                                     London                                             1           Blind Faith                                        528,00
baroquegainful                                     London                                             1           Bottomless Potion of the Diamond                   615,00
baroquegainful                                     London                                             1           Captured Soul                                      380,00
baroquegainful                                     London                                             1           Cord of the Sherma                                 739,00
baroquegainful                                     London                                             1           Earthshatter                                       160,00
baroquegainful                                     London                                             1           Flails                                             278,00
baroquegainful                                     London                                             1           Golden Scourge                                     477,00
baroquegainful                                     London                                             1           Ice Climbers                                       166,00
baroquegainful                                     London                                             1           Longshot                                           565,00
baroquegainful                                     London                                             1           Pledge of Caldeum                                  193,00
baroquegainful                                     London                                             1           Sever                                              782,00
baroquegainful                                     London                                             1           The Ess of Johan                                   613,00
baroquegainful                                     London                                             1           Vengeful Wind                                      507,00
baroquegainful                                     London                                             1           Wooden Stake                                       96,00
baroquegainful                                     Macau                                              1           Angelic Shard                                      517,00
baroquegainful                                     Macau                                              1           Etrayu                                             576,00
baroquegainful                                     Macau                                              1           Jaces Hammer of Vigilance                          410,00
baroquegainful                                     Macau                                              1           Penders Purchase                                   232,00
baroquegainful                                     Macau                                              1           Split Tusk                                         717,00
baroquegainful                                     Seoul                                              1           Belt of the Trove                                  387,00
baroquegainful                                     Seoul                                              1           Empyrean Messenger                                 503,00
baroquegainful                                     Seoul                                              1           Giant Skull (Diablo III)                           2,00
baroquegainful                                     Seoul                                              1           Greater Rift Keystone                              396,00
baroquegainful                                     Seoul                                              1           Hand Crossbows                                     302,00
baroquegainful                                     Seoul                                              1           Inviolable Faith                                   305,00
baroquegainful                                     Seoul                                              1           Mutilation Guard                                   500,00
baroquegainful                                     Seoul                                              


正確輸出的範例 Ps 在 SELECT 中使用以下 w/o Items.Price 使用者名被正確分組,我粘貼了一個螢幕截圖,因為否則會命中 30.000 個字元標記:

帶有對使用者名進行分組的子查詢的範例,沒有選擇 Items.Price,但是…


  SELECT u.[Username]
       , g.[Name]
       , COUNT(i.[Name]) AS [Items Count]
       , SUM(i.Price) AS [Items Price] 
    FROM UsersGames AS ug
      ON g.[Id] = ug.[GameId]
    JOIN UserGameItems AS ugi
      ON ugi.[UserGameId] = ug.[Id]
    JOIN Items AS i
      ON i.[Id] = ugi.[ItemId] 
    JOIN Users AS u
      ON u.Id = ug.UserId
GROUP BY u.[Username], g.[Name];

當您在 group by 中包含項目價格時,要獲得每個使用者名和遊戲的單一價格,要求所有價格必須相同。但是,這不是您所擁有的,因為您不想在結果集中包含實際的項目詳細資訊。因此,從 group by 中刪除 item price 然後對該列求和應該會給您想要的結果。
